Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Hot Domain Auctions And Drop Picks: Some Great Deals Today

If you like geos and dot nets, you’re going to love today.  A bunch of cities and product dot nets on the board today. Before we get to the names I have a little story.  My daughter came home with a “last minute” report she had due on Friday.  We have a little rule on reports.  We get them done at least 2 days in advance so that we stay a happy family.  No night before,  rushing and arguing.  This one cut it a little close so we decided to stay up a little later last night and get it done.  It’s February and so naturally it was on African American heroes.  And my daughter’s hero?  Not Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jackie Robinson, or Phyllis Wheatley but none other than Ray Nagin.  Yes Ray Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.   Possibly the worst mayor in the history of mayors.  Tough report, especially when you’re supposed to say why he was a hero.  Ok not that great of a story but I thought it was funny. Now onto the names If you buy domains for future technologies then this would be a great name.  We absolutely will doing gene transfers regularly.  My first? Full head of hair gene One of the better dot info this year Geo lovers take a look.  18,500 searches and a 11,000 valuate Another nice geo but not quite as many searches.  Chicago suburb Pretty good size Oregon city.  Seeing a theme here anyone ? And really not a ton of bidders 33,000 searches and $2.64 CPC  good buy for under $100 27,000 searches and NO bidders For some reason I see this and think of Wheaties but others may think different Everyone owns a bike right? Not the greatest,  but a hell of a lot better than some of the names I’ve seen people buy

Domain Spotlight: