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The Daily Recap of Shane’s Auction Picks, the 17th of May 2016

Auction Quick Recap

Shanetrumpdsad1At work today and tomorrow, I’m worn out, going to bed. I hope everyone has a great day.

Yesterday’s Average 4L Chip Sales as listed on $2,422.00    Island off of Scotland so its used in a variety of products and business names. 20 years old

25,250 USD Looks like there’s a new whisky from this Isle.  Could be used for so many things.  Tech or actual window cleaning. 19 years old

211 USD The time to go or start the mission, You’ve got a clear window.   Sounds like a personal care line or a high end line of toilet paper

627 USD I think it sounds like a company that innovates in the hygiene area, like robotics is to robots  I wouldn’t recommend it as a brand because it brings bad things to mind.  But memorable

? Chinese Cookie   I pay $30 every time I get them.  Has to be some affiliate program

? There has to be some kind of affiliate program, there’s thousands of these sites. Just like the sites where you try and look up someone’s phone number.    Vowels in front are still working.   Grub is the key to the success here and of all the vowels I like it the best here.

165 USD Sounds like a low end fast food chain or fishing bait.  a decade ago this was worth $2K plus and IMO its worth just as much or more now

5,100 USD Wow, Book end Wangs.  Not even sure if its a real word but I am going to pretend it means silent.  Short and spells out just like it sounds which is a good thing

331 USD Don’t know what you do with it, but it seems like a good brand for quick things. Maybe a product that blocks out annoying talk.  A term used for salt therapy.   Also good for tequila shot therapy

310 USD Does salt therapy preserve you like ham?    I think autoblog is a better name but this serves the same use and is much cheaper

798 USD I like auto blogger as a plugin or software that just blogs for you like a bot. Sure it might not make sense, but it’s content.   Short and with 88.  In the past and in the future, 88 is gold to the Asian market

?  Not quite as good as the above but still short and in demand.  Getting a pretty good bid already

?  Doesn’t mean anything but I did like the sound of it for a tech company.  Mostly because its two words people know and can remember and it can be anything. No bidders

? The first thing that came to mind was a brainstorming site, all of your ideas get put into bubbles that you can easily track  When they have to tell you they have it usually means they haven’t.  No bidders

? Maybe its a site to change clothing and not character? You could dress yourself in different styles.  305 USD Design that is always popular

and   250 USD

Two design names with some good backlinks and getting some good bids.   A Berkens kind of name.   Meaning for everyone else they sell it for a few grand to a company but he gets $20K

? That moment when you realize…  I bet you say that to all the boys

?   Almost every that makes a pronounceable word is worth at least $50 IMO

461 USD I’m starbing   You can pretty much add anything to the keyword Cloud and have it worth something

338 USD VRCloud is probably worth a billion dollars then.  437 USD 590 USD  367 USD 401 USD  300 USD

The value has fallen but still getting $300 plus on all CHiPs  Big name.  but a big renewal.    The renewal is no problem for a big media company. It just may be for the time that you hold it waiting to sell it to them

No Winner   This type was hot 8 years ago. Still has some value IMO

No Winner

  Recap Quick Overview

arran.com25,250 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
clearwindow.com211 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
hygenics.com627 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
ugrub.com165 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
wbfw.com5,100 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
mutely.com331 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
getsalted.com310 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
autoblogger.com798 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
agelessdesign.com305 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
designslinger.com250 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
starb.com461 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
cloudclicks.com338 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
cpkv.com437 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
mxxo.com590 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
jtz.co367 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
yby.co401 USD05/16/16GoDaddy
xcy.co300 USD05/16/16GoDaddy

Yesterday’s Reported 4L Chip sales $2,500.00 5/16/2016 NameJet $1,510.00 5/16/2016 NameJet $1,500.00 5/16/2016 NameJet $1,500.00 5/16/2016 NameJet $5,100.00 5/16/2016 GoDaddy
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