Domain Spotlight:

Looks like there are a bunch of blogs jumping on the daily lists bandwagon.  I realize I’m not the first and won’t be last list maker but even I am getting tired of seeing all the new daily lists.  So thank you for coming back each day and spending a little time here as I realize you have choices in your daily list.  A list so easy to make that anyone can do it.  Here you go and yes, it’s one of the worst lists in a while.  Tough to find much of anything today.  Sounds like an organization that has high dues.  Not sure this is the right plurality.  The no bidders tells me it’s not but Google still showing a lot of results for the exact term. Town in Germany or just a funny sounding world.  1998 Birthday   1999 Domain.  I imagine you aren’t going to sell giant mining equipment so I figure it’s just a nice business or brand.  Spanish for “the foot” Just kidding it means the photo in South American 1999 and   Talk about a personalized email. They certainly would remember an email if you use this domain.  I may even take it.  It’s worth $70 just for a few laughs.  Not a great name but the netty net net net thing is memorable.  Sounds like a drug you would take for high cholesterol.  Still a nice sounding name. Good enough there are 43 bidders  I thought for sure this would have no bidders but there is one



Domain Spotlight:

8 Replies to “Tuesday’s Big List of Domains At Auction and Dropping Around the Net”

  1., old drop with records back to 2001, sitting out there for registry fee.

    Save that $70. There’s no difference whatsoever.

  2. “ Talk about a personalized email. They certainly would remember an email if you use this domain. I may even take it.”


    I hope you do.

    I have no doubt you’ll drive lots of traffic to my top ranked domain:

  3. Lots of people have lists, but your commentary is what makes it entertaining. I ignore most of the lists I come across, either because they’re not good enough names, or I don’t see the value in the niche or platform the person is promoting.
    I’ll probably be coming up with my own version of a “daily offering,” although it might not be drops. It’s difficult to come up with things that are of interest to readers and can give them incentive to come back everyday. Your lists are short and sweet, good quality, and are usually good for a few laughs.

  4. “Lots of people have lists, but your commentary is what makes it entertaining.”

    “Your lists are short and sweet, good quality, and are usually good for a few laughs.”

    I second that emotion!


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