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Daily SitePicks: Monday’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net

After a few weeks of going through the thousands of sites up for sale I am starting to “get” which sites offer value or at least potential. I also notice that 80% of the sites listed were made merely to flip on Flippa and are easily passed over. The problem is there are a few sites that although recently made have been made by a skilled designer and save you countless hours or offer some creativity that we don’t have. So I have to go through them all. Well, almost all. I skip the traffic resale and other sites that are duplicated over and over. Here are the sites I have found that are ending over the next few days.   HUGE celebrity blog that gets 315K uniques a month.  Used to be a very popular blog and has a great history.   Has some costs to keep running but a site with this traffic should generate $24K a year in profit EASILY if run correctly.  Would take a lot of time.  Did I mention it has 1.5 MILLION links   Not a tough word to get ranked for but this site is a few years old and is making decent profit.  Looks like it was dinged by Google with one of their inputs because the owner is honest in saying most of the organic traffic comes from Bing/Yahoo. Price is currently at 14 months profit.  This Aspergers/Autism site gets great traffic and ranks for several long tail keywords on Google.  Verified unique visits of 55,000 per month and makes a $130 a month in profit as well.  Not the sexiest of sites and I think you need to have some interest in this topic to do well but if you do, this should be making $500 plus a month. PR4  On the first page of Google for “coffee coupon” although barely. Not making any money but should with a little effort. Seller has sold $31K worth of sites so he has a history. Still thinks owner is killing his price by not offering up more verified stats


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