Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 8-21-12

Not a lot of names on the list today.  I went a little deeper than normal and still not much. Maybe you can find something.  I’m in a hurry so instead of a little story I’ll leave you with a little joke.

There were two sisters, one called Petal and one called Fridge. One day, Petal asks her parents, “Why did you call me Petal?” and they replied “Because when you were a baby, a petal fell on you.” And then Fridge says “bllaaarrarararraraaarg”

Have a good day, enjoy the names.  World Wide something.  1995 Domain  I think its worth $69 just of the laughs.  Could be a great comedy site “Is this hotel pager friendly?”  Pretty mean but pretty awesome. Sounds like a Rick Schwartz name.  No offense to Rick.  No bidders  The plural is built out and the Koi Pond is a pretty big keyword.  No bidders  A lot of bids on this one.  Loans are practically interest free right now anyway.  If you can get them  No bids.  Not often I find a that is any good with no bids  Casinos still tend to have some of the best paying affiliate programs on the net  End pretty early in the morning Deal of the Week! FREE domain with 12+ month Website Builder purchase!

.CA Domains only $12.99 at!

Domain Spotlight:

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