Looking forward to a new week. Had lots of domain offers with every single one being in the not even close category. Countered and never heard back from a one. Here’s to actually getting a counter offer this week. And here are the names and the daily quote
“Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else’s can shorten it”. -Cullen Hightower
Akickinthehead.com No bidders. I can see the slogan. “Nothing’s better than a kick in the head” Great brand for the price IMO
Veryfat.com This describes 70% of the US population. Can’t find a better user base than that. And for under $10. About the price of their second lunch.
73a.com Short, simple, and liquid
74J.com And one more
BitCoins.co I think this one could end up crossing $1000. Much safer buy than bitcoins themselves
BostonBombers.com Santiago Noriega is hoping to sell this one. Would make an interesting historical site about the bombing
$2.49 .COM at GoDaddy.com! Expires 5/14/13.
Dulin.com Worth buying just because of all the people with this last name
ASWI.com I for International. 15 years old
StopTheTax.com At some point somebody is going to want to stop some tax. Get it cheap and you can make an easy flip
NWSO.com Great acronym. 14 years old
YLJ.com Don’t necessarily like the letters but its an LLL.com and they are some of the safest investments in domaining
DefenseLawyers.com If you have to find a defense lawyer on the net you have a pretty big problem
Taskings.com As good or better than Fiverr
ModelMe.com If I had model.me I would want to own this