Going to be a little slow going at the auctions over the next few days but the private market will be hopping. There’s actually money to be spent this year and are a few people looking to spend some money before year’s end. Don’t ask me, mine’s all spent 🙂 Here are today’s names.
DartFrogs.com I can’t see a huge market for dart frogs but the domain is 16 years old and certainly is memorable
SuperPen.com I’ve had quite a few good pens but never a super pen. 14 years old and would make a good upgrade for a few companies
OZN.com Been a drought on LLL.coms the last few weeks. Curious to see how the Z effects the final price
3250.com Nice round number. Should cross $4K IMO
DesignerKicks.com Great name to sell shoes. And damn do shoes sell for a nice markup
DoucheWand.info PorkChopMikey and a few of the commenters around here got hit by this thing. No value but funny. Actually a PR2 with a few bids
This is for an $8.49 domain renewal and $3.99 privacy. Has worked for a while and still works. Also good for $7.50 dot org renewal gdbb776
PNN.com Fantastic LLL.com but I’m sure the reserver reflects it. Whoever buys it is going to have a great domain
Popular.org Nothing more popular than being popular.
UFPA.com Good letters, ends in A, 15 years old
Puercos.com Pigs in Spanish. No bidders. Could get it for a good price because of the lack of Spanish speaking domain investor
GearBag.com Discussed on DomainSherpa review show. I liked it then because many sports use gear bags. Triathlons, hockey, etc
TractorRental.com Also on Sherpa. I think it’s perfect for a national company that does rent tractors. But I do like equipment rental because its a broader term
PXA.com The X takes off a little value but still a top LLL.com
evailable.com Lots of uses but for this crowd a solid available domain names domain
Miquel.com Popular latin name. Not to be confused with Miguel
HAVE A NAME AT AUCTION OR FOR SALE? Let me help you get more bidders and more views to your domain. contact me for price and availability.
Imo Maybe you should try and differentiate between those @auctions and those dropping. .
I’m going to write an article on this but there isn’t much difference anymore because the registrars have now started keeping all their names and auctioning them. I try and put pending delete next to the names that can be caught anywhere….or I will from now on