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DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Wednesday 8/20

Evidently I have been all wrong about who the largest domain registrar is.  I was flipping through ads and came across and right at the top of the page it states “Worlds Largest Registrar” .  I always thought Godaddy was the largest.  Because they also state that they are the largest.  I don’t know anything about OurDomains but I was going to look into their dot cn prices but I have a little trust issue now that I see that at the top of the page.    It’s a short list today but there wasn’t much on the board to choose from.  Here are today’s auction picks.  Not going to make you Page Howe type money but 18 years old and under $100 at press time  15 years old.  Just a few bidders on this last name.  Derives from “drinker” ends at whatever you want the brand to be  Yes there is a market for these.  And it’s over $1000  People, places, and things. 13 years old and a little higher priced than I hoped  Hard to believe this great mattress brand has no bidders  This is one one of those names that can be read.  For $12 it would fun to play with ChildrensLaughter,  ChildrenSlaughter  No bidders.  Someday somebody is going to want this for their movement.  At $12 you can afford to wait  These things continue to be liquid.  Under $100 and you’ve done well in today’s market

NEW Saturday!!!! Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day. 25% off new items added to cart. Great for new gTLDs bb2017a  Great things are behind the velvet rope. Free slogan but the domain won’t be.  17 years old but this great brand deserves more love ie bids   Already at $10K….and going to go higher  Very popular Chinese name.  Which means tens of thousands of people places and things  As a kid it was what you were looking for every time you played an arcade game.  Getting some love with quite a few bidders

Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct.

Domain Spotlight:

One Reply to “DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Wednesday 8/20”

  1. is the one on auction today (missing the second “t”). The correct version won’t expire until 2016.

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