Domain Spotlight:

Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal.

1. sold for $801,000

Nothing resolves on this domain which was sold by Rick Schwartz. Owned by an individual in China.

2. sold for $50,000

This is a start-up which raised $750,000 in funding just before the domain acquisition. “No-fee investment app simplifying the saving process for #millennials by allowing them to take control of their #personalfinance and #investment plans.” This site is the traffic leader for the week, with its Alexa rank near 840,000.


3. sold for $25,000

This domain was an upgrade from, and they’re a vintage furniture company. They have a bricks & mortar location in San Diego, California, but they likely have aspirations of facilitating buying & selling furniture in other cities as well. “Loveseat is a fun and simple platform for finding stylish and affordable vintage furniture in your city.” This site is a close second on the traffic front this week, with its Alexa rank near 900,000.


3. sold for $25,000

This domain was picked up by the folks behind, which is where is redirected. The biggest wine shop in Latin America. Track and learn about the fascinating world of wine.”


5. sold for $22,000

No site resolves, and the owner is under privacy protection.

6. sold for $20,340

You can see the placeholder below, where they state they’re working on “a private cyberspace for people at the intersection of technology, business, and design”.

design co

7. sold for $20,000

This Chinese-language site appears to be involved with providing co-working space. Per Google Translate, “Shanghai curtain Ka Technology Co., Ltd. was established in May 2015, to meet the wave of innovation with the times, combined with office space as the carrier, people-oriented, shared economy as the core, Shanghai curtain Ka Technology Co., Ltd. was established in May 2015 to meet the new era of wave to the joint office space as the carrier, people-oriented, shared economy as the core, business office living area.” Alexa rank near 1.5 million.


8. sold for $18,000

A Chinese-language gambling site is live.


9. sold for $17,515

Domain is parked.

10. sold for $16,010

Domain is parked.

Domain Spotlight: