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I receive a hard copy of Bloomberg Businessweek magazine on a weekly basis, and regularly enjoy scanning the “How Did I Get Here?” one-pager at the back of each issue.

The column features executives from a variety of industries, and typically takes a quick look back at their education and work experience which helped them get to their current position, and also often features pictures and a quirky tidbit or two on the individual.

Last week’s column featured Blake Irving, CEO of GoDaddy. You can read the entire piece at this link, but a couple of my favorite items include:

  • In his Work Experience timetable, he lists “World traveler” in 2007 and 2008, and said, “My wife and I traveled with our kids and skateboarded at every place we visited. We did ‘burst’ modes -all of China in 35 days-and then hung out in one place for a month.
  • His life lessons:
    • Always be a wonderful person to work with.
    • Lead from the front, but be in the mosh pit, not on the stage.
    • Get ahead of the day by working late or getting up early. I wake up at 5 a.m.


blake irving

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