Domain Spotlight:

The Daily recap of Shane’s Auction Picks, the 4th of March 2016

Auction Quick Recap

I can’t believe I’m going to even write this, Berkens is one of my domaining idols. Recently Michael posted a well written article about domains and the perception or trend toward a type of pseudo currency. His main point is that if these domains, specifically Chinese type letters and numbers, are just traded back and forth between domainers, then they have no end user value, no end user value mean no intrinsic value and therefore she’s a witch.

So I agree with Michael if all of these variables are correct now and in the near future, but this is where I disagree or at least view the Chinese market as a new niche of domainer valued and traded domains. But I don’t think the variables are correct.

Before we started trading or speculating heavily on numbers and letters. We did the same thing with regular old words and still do the same thing based off of our perceived end user value. NameJet, Godaddy Auctions Namepros are the platforms we use, instead of numbers and letters we trade things like one’s Category killer domains, Domains with some sort of metric like search volume or CPC, brandables, short domains,’s.

Some of these names have been traded back and forth without end users for years and years. These names have intrinsic value because they are names that we envision and mostly hope, end users will buy, because we know that the names will help or make the buyer’s business better.

We have speculated for years on keyword domains, trying to stay ahead of trends in science, Tech and just plain old pop culture. Look at domains niches like cloud names, app, weed, drone, Vr, bitcoin. All of these niches have gotten the crap registered out of them in an attempt by domainers to stay ahead of the trends and have a supply of names available for the companies that emerge out of these trends. We sell some to end users but the rest of the good ones we just trade back and forth between ourselves. There has never been any cold hard way to measure liquidity, but it has been there to a certain degree none the less. Looking at the present Chinese market we have established some level of measurable liquidity, based on trading prices, which are ultimately set by some perceived value or metric that we may or may not even know about.

Transitioning to Chinese domains, the same principles are there with the letters and numbers. We look at Chinese websites on alexa and see all sorts of examples of all numerics, all letters, short domains, and letter number combos. So we know that the Chinese like these names to build websites on. We don’t really understand the letters and numbers as westerns, but we are learning. We know the Chinese value pattern, certain numbers over other numbers, certain letters over other letters. We know that city codes might have more value than non city codes and bigger cities have more value because there’s more people in them. We know that pattern adds value as well as length.

Why do all these things matter? Why do city codes, pattern, certain numbers make the names more valuable? Because it correlates to the amount of potential end users, either now or down the road that might want the domain for a website.

Westerns also have trouble grasping the immensity of China and the potential. We talk about emerging markets all the time, China, now India, and so far the main thing we see is out of China is Money flowing into domains and turning domains into a commodity.

We don’t understand the potential because it’s mind boggling, to think of hundreds of millions of new internet users coming online, hundreds of millions of little shops across china building themselves a website and seeking their own world wide web identity.

I think the Chinese domainers see this potential clearly. They are playing to the eventual or potential end user. They are trying to control that market of names just like western domainers bought every conceivable combination of drone and cloud in an effort to wipe out any available inventory so that companies have to pay aftermarket prices.

The idea that domains are another version of bitcoin is the symptom of this and not the organism itself. I see it as the same process that western domainers have been engaged in for years, but at a speed and level that we simply can not comprehend.

So If this is indeed correct then there is intrinsic value in the domains that are short, numerics with meaning we don’t understand, short name with letters and numbers that may or may not mean something to the Chinese that we can’t understand.

In any case unlike Bitcoin or Baseball cards from the 80’s, I can build something on my virtual real estate. I can make it something great. We use the analogy of the domain being property and the website being the improvements on that property, either a small cottage or a huge casino. If something like a 3 word hyphenated .mobi is property in downtown Mogadishu, then maybe my is property on the moon. But maybe we’ll colonize the damn moon, or maybe I’ll figure out a way to put a billboard on the moon. Who knows, the possibilities are endless.

dsadinglourius bastards

Yesterday’s Average 4L Chip Sales as listed on $2,010.21   Anytime things are completely anonymous there is opportunity for fraud

Listed as Offer counter offer  20 years old.  Easy letters to use for an acronym

?  Same here.  I think three letter dot org are undervalued right now

?  Not far off its value with the initial bid

?  You can’t handle the truth

? Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know — that Santiago’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.  Looking forward to seeing what it is

500 USD, Apparently there is only one, and it has a proud new owner  14 years old.  Means “blueprint” in Japanese

982 USD Sounds like Zooming, or Zu Men, did not know about the blueprint, I’m guessing that carried the day.   Did Cavemen bake?  11 bidders

120 USD 2 Million pages in google about Paleo Baking  Most cars in the future will probably need to be charged.  May have some value there

1,691 USD, I think it’s “geared” more towards debit cards. People pay thousands of dollars for exactly this.  Injury rehab. No bidders at $20

?  12 year old  U for United

Listed as make offer, I see Whoopin, I’m gonna put a Whoopin on you.  I you want a a little cheaper use the coupon code “HasAFourOrAZero”

?,,,,   All these with a opening bid of $988. I think thats exactly their value right now

? Can’t find any of these 1,027 USD   782 USD

It will be interesting to see if these go higher than the first bid on the above.  It would show the value of starting lower and letting the bids build  This one is already over those prices but it does have the double 6

1550 USD Anything double at the end is nice including 00 Its a thing.  Just not sure its worth of its own site.  No bidders at $12

222 USD, AKA a bear.  For three years these have made the least sense to me but they’ve climbed every year.  I understand now.  Short is all that matters right now

?  Kentucky CHiP

2,025 USD, or Grand Cayman Chip   Brandbucket sale at $3200 in its future.   Just a guess.  Josh is the Brandbucket King.  They call him Mr. Bucket in his hometown but that’s for different reasons

1,280 USD, Let’s ask Michael Krell What the list price would be?

Actually they don’t even say “Mr” just Bucket. “hey Bucket”. Seriously though I’m sure there’s a lot of  people with bigger portfolios that sell more names on Brandbucket than me. One thing that I wanted to point out before I write another Brand article, I have close to 1000 names published now, with 25 sales, but until a few weeks ago I had around 800 published and the rest accepted. Plus I’ve been buying brandbucket accepted names on Namepro’s. I bring this up, because the ratio of names sold is actually a lot better than 25 out of 1000. It’s been a process with names selling regularly when I only had a fraction listed, compared to what I have now. There seems to be a direct correlation between listed volume and the volume of sales. I think the reason for this is the vetting process that BrandBucket has in place for name and price selection. They’re only going to accept names that meet a certain criteria, and they’re going to set a price that they feel is fair and will help the name sell as quickly as possible, in relation to the potential industry that the name relates to, if any. If a name doesn’t get accepted it doesn’t mean it’s a bad name nessacarily, but it’s just not what they’re looking for.   I don’t buy as many middle of the road  I am buying super premium like this one or bottom of the barrel names.

1,330 USD  This is an example of the middle.  good names but I see the best ROI on the edges.  But don’t follow my advice.  You’ll go broke I’ve been told

240 USD I actually think this is slightly better than middle of the road. It’s not right on the double yellow lines anyway. 65 665 is a decent “pattern” . You have to keep in mind that out of 1 million 6n combinations, 262,144 are “Chip” containing no 4 no 0. Out of the remaining 737,856 you find the best value in pattern with 0 at the end, or multiple 0’s, things like that. The number of 6n chips with only 3 numbers in it is around 47K. My math might me off.  I think Cinemax and Young Lady Chatterly with those wavy lines.  Maybe that’s just me

?  This is a middle quality that I actually like.  Easy to type out

609 USD, I think this is in the top 20% of 6N’s.  Under a half million 5L CHiPs left and until they are all take these patters are leading the sales

405 USD, 220 USD, 195 USD, 195 USD, 215 USD, 190 USD    

Today’s selection.  Substitute a salad for $150  I still think these get overlooked.  But a stepchild for a decade

2,220 USD, 307 USD, 202 USD This is the fringe I like, 306 USD   

A few nice 6N to add to your portfolio.   The girls are here to see the 33.   QC is just along for the ride

104 USD  Sorry TR, same for you

? 106 USD      If you think that .me is going to be the next mover

106 USD I’d buy these even if they didn’t move in the Chinese Market. I think short .me is a tld that end users can embrace and will love more in the future. If any NGTLD has a chance of being successful longterm than .me will grow like crazy. It’s 2 letters, its a word, and it’s personal   Curious how its going to make my boots better

810 USD Wow 9 million results in google. The top result in and it features a 13 year old inventor. They sell their boot buddy for $39.99. The second result if also selling a boot product. So $800 seems like a great deal now.,,,,  These are the bottom boats I’ve been buying.  But don’t buy them because I bought them.  Just note the price and check back with me next year

? I wish I had the price, I’ll check with Travis.  at $22 at press time

?  High risk, decent return.  But under $20 at press time and short is short


Special Domain Shane ONLY Coupon…….. CODE IS DDCDS2015 Good 30% off Discount Domain Club to get the lowest renewal prices Godaddy offers (DDC)   Long name, great results.  No bidders

7 bids at $45  The key to do io is having a short brand to the left. This works for me because its singular

1005 USD  Yeah, doesn’t work   Great looking Chinese name.  Looks like Snaps

1901 USD  or Snips could be used for vasectomy lead gen   That is some crazy ass traffic out of nowhere.  and the amount of links is off the charts

Unsold  Has met reserve so it will sell today

3060 USD  Well holy Double zero crap!  Same here.  They’re liking these round numbers at the end

4111 USD  Even better



  Recap Quick Overview

keytohappiness.com500 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
zumen.com982 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
paleobaking.com120 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
rechargecard.com1,691 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
25027.com1,027 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
03253.com782 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
10966.com1550 USD03/03/16Sedo
honeyextractor.com222 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
kyfw.com2,025 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
racingzone.com1,280 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
555778.com1,330 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
656652.com240 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
399898.com609 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
mlmmm.com405 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
mkpw.net220 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
spgr.net195 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
dxtf.net195 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
llfc.net215 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
mrpj.net190 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
1575.net2,220 USD02/24/16NameJet
656653.com307 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
996608.com202 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
656651.com306 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
qc33.com104 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
gbm.me106 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
fnb.me106 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
bootbuddy.com810 USD03/03/16GoDaddy
stamp.io1005 USD03/04/16Flippa
snpz.com1901 USD03/03/16Flippa
19100.com3060 USD03/03/16Sedo
77900.com4111 USD03/03/16Sedo

Yesterday’s Reported 4L Chip sales. $2,350.00 3/3/2016 NameJet $2,000.00 3/3/2016 NameJet $2,000.00 3/3/2016 NameJet $2,100.00 3/3/2016 NameJet $1,800.00 3/3/2016 Sedo $1,950.00 3/3/2016 DropCatch $2,025.00 3/3/2016 GoDaddy $1,866.85 3/3/2016 $2,000.00 3/3/2016 GoDaddy
Domain Spotlight:

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