Domain Spotlight:


A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on December 2, 2022.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

365Com.comEnded with bids$2,550.00170
46486.comEnded with bids$55.008
882.ccEnded with bids$40,500.0059
AllureBengalCats.comEnded with bids$173.009
baccocharleston.comEnded with bids$241.009
bijoucafepdx.comEnded with bids$354.0011
CamPup.comEnded with bids$850.0035
CaribbeanBakery.comEnded with bids$382.0033
cebaca.orgEnded with bids$95.0011
CosyPajamas.comEnded with bids$131.0013
cpmh.comEnded with bids$1,142.0025
DeliriumStudios.comEnded with bids$780.0030
DesignWrap.comEnded with bids$898.0074
Devour-Blog.comEnded with bids$1,301.0045
dichvuketoanminhviet.comEnded with bids$125.0014
Dissertation-Writings.comEnded with bids$125.008
dqsy.comEnded with bids$505.0095
dustinswoodshop.comEnded with bids$75.0012
EmeraldOrtho.comEnded with bids$178.009
EnglishSoftware.comEnded with bids$1,259.0024
Evangelical.netEnded with bids$438.0028
EventsHigh.comEnded with bids$2,650.0030
exferimentationbrewing.comEnded with bids$365.0029
fandffirearms.comEnded with bids$149.006
favs.orgEnded with bids$140.0018
FourPawsWrecking.comEnded with bids$134.0017
frescacafeaz.comEnded with bids$330.0026
genzgoestocollege.comEnded with bids$755.0015
graveck.comEnded with bids$300.0038
GreatDecisions.comEnded with bids$1,009.0067
GreenvilleBridge.comEnded with bids$285.0020
HealthyMeals.netEnded with bids$310.0070
HondurasCaliDad.orgEnded with bids$2,025.0018
hooriapret.comEnded with bids$104.0019
iegm.comEnded with bids$449.0015
iluvsushi.netEnded with bids$185.0022
indeep-project.orgEnded with bids$455.0021
indiandelightwi.comEnded with bids$764.0061
jav6.comEnded with bids$125.007
JustRelief.comEnded with bids$658.0074
KeywestFishAndChips.comEnded with bids$102.0011
KiddyClinic.comEnded with bids$130.007
klpelletstovecleaningandservicing.comEnded with bids$130.0023
krolewskiejadlo.comEnded with bids$878.0036
LiverpoolDubai.comEnded with bids$191.0011
lumberjaxthrowing.comEnded with bids$135.0011
MamasDoughKent.comEnded with bids$330.0034
marketingpr.comEnded with bids$1,040.00119
mcclurgcourt.comEnded with bids$159.0010
MedAdvisors.comEnded with bids$1,480.00110
mjseafoodcompany.comEnded with bids$235.0027
MotorcycleGames.comEnded with bids$511.0046
mrcloset.comEnded with bids$373.0047
NationalNetwork.orgEnded with bids$990.0032
NaturalPetFoods.comEnded with bids$2,600.0077
neiy.comEnded with bids$507.0053
noberlusconiday.orgEnded with bids$172.0033
NonIsSherwood.comEnded with bids$135.0011
omtechnologies.comEnded with bids$460.0092
OnlineUsaCasinos.comEnded with bids$378.0014
OrlandoBalloonRides.comEnded with bids$2,501.0076
PalmFarm.comEnded with bids$555.0065
Penrose-Press.comEnded with bids$455.0049
PoliticalViews.comEnded with bids$903.0043
PortoBelloPizzeria.comEnded with bids$2,325.0091
PredictWallStreet.comEnded with bids$2,550.0075
PuckZone.netEnded with bids$317.005
RacialWealthAudit.orgEnded with bids$790.0042
RedeemedOnline.comEnded with bids$205.0013
RedesignYourHome.comEnded with bids$215.0022
RedMapleInn.comEnded with bids$305.0029
reflexosonline.comEnded with bids$150.0014
rsko.comEnded with bids$781.0036
sarastexturecrafts.comEnded with bids$51.005
SatYanaYoga.comEnded with bids$98.0013
SchmearMarket.comEnded with bids$360.0020
semplus.comEnded with bids$899.0041
sicri-network.orgEnded with bids$245.0031
SkinnyFast.comEnded with bids$614.0034
spookyshibabsc.comEnded with bids$760.0016
ssautogroupla.comEnded with bids$135.0016
TakeMeHomePetRescue.comEnded with bids$95.0019
TalentReadyUtah.comEnded with bids$2,605.0016
TechLanguage.comEnded with bids$609.0083
TellLoveAndChocolate.comEnded with bids$185.0030
TheKegManitou.comEnded with bids$560.0019
TheRoastery.comEnded with bids$2,275.0066
TheSoulScripts.comEnded with bids$186.0019
TownRealty.comEnded with bids$1,455.0073
TwoBillionMiles.comEnded with bids$260.0015
uitvaart.orgEnded with bids$355.003
ValerySwimwear.comEnded with bids$101.0017
x6x4.comEnded with bids$135.009
YouDue.comEnded with bids$585.00112
zenkosushi.comEnded with bids$592.0058
MagellanX.comEnded with bids$255.0049
TimeTracking.orgEnded with bids$27.005
Creativium.comEnded with bids$113.0012
IodidePills.comActive$20.00 *0
IodinePills.comActive$20.00 *1
InvestTheRest.comActive$20.00 *0
TouchlessTechnology.comActive$20.00 *0

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.

Other Names at Auction German for turning assistance or Driver’s Assistance . Gets 2200 visits to the domain

At 150 EUR with 3 days left Sex sells. We’ll see if it does here

At $1,000 with 2 days left

Namejet Names at Auction $3,655 $2,152 $1,794 $1,700 $1,649 $1,251 $1,167 $233 $191 $150

Domain Spotlight: