A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on December 3, 2024.
GoDaddy Names at Auction
Domain | Status | Price | Bids |
AmazingYes.com | Ended with bids | $55.00 | 8 |
AnytimeTickets.com | Ended with bids | $30.00 | 2 |
attorneyx.com | Ended with bids | $401.00 | 34 |
BagBuild.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BagEssential.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BeeMake.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BitAdopt.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BodyFrequency.com | Ended with bids | $1.00 | 1 |
BrokerageStock.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CatchTutor.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CompanionToday.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CreativeAssignment.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Cuisinera.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
DeepBend.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
EarthTurtle.com | Ended with bids | $551.00 | 33 |
EggUniverse.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
EmotionalResponder.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ExplainingWar.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FactionPress.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FamilyFar.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FlexCarb.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FolkSongster.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FortuneStack.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FriedVegetables.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
GateMedics.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
GoodHusbandry.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
GovernmentAware.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
HappyTrades.com | Ended with bids | $161.00 | 20 |
HearFusion.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
HomeDepart.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
igotideas.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ImageVerification.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ImmersiveSchool.com | Ended with bids | $59.00 | 5 |
ItsNiceHere.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
KashBlock.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
LikeFollows.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MakeItWell.com | Ended with bids | $193.00 | 20 |
ManlyWarrior.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MeAddress.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MetaDemons.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
metaoros.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MileDay.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MrGrid.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MyDanger.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
NameKeys.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
NetVoter.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
OldDan.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
OldWizards.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Outrides.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PersonKey.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PressureCanna.com | Closeouts | $40.00 | 0 |
PreviouslyWorn.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PublicScores.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
RainbowSearch.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
RedPayment.com | Ended with bids | $74.00 | 8 |
RenewableMachines.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
RepairYourStuff.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
RhythmOfMyLife.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SecretPrize.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SheIsLove.com | Ended with bids | $105.00 | 14 |
SightBuzz.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SimpleSurge.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SlowSeduction.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SquadSheet.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SuccessfullySocial.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TeethReport.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TimeToDuty.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TradeTiny.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TruthFrequency.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TruthWizard.com | Ended with bids | $108.00 | 17 |
uamazing.com | Ended with bids | $26.00 | 6 |
VehicleConsult.com | Ended with bids | $6.00 | 2 |
zpioneer.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
hazon.com | Ended with bids | $2,950.00 | 57 |
helz.com | Ended with bids | $1,226.00 | 82 |
PaintGallery.com | Ended with bids | $1,025.00 | 39 |
BlueGranite.com | Ended with bids | $1,715.00 | 69 |
HumanAcademy.com | Ended with bids | $787.00 | 60 |
LendLogic.com | Ended with bids | $1,928.00 | 75 |
zsuite.com | Ended with bids | $1,430.00 | 94 |
CouponWizard.com | Ended with bids | $445.00 | 42 |
ByLive.com | Ended with bids | $630.00 | 83 |
RehabBing.com | Ended with bids | $5,100.00 | 102 |
OkayBoomer.com | Ended with bids | $885.00 | 35 |
BigFresh.com | Ended with bids | $1,526.00 | 111 |
BlogData.com | Ended with bids | $565.00 | 24 |
IncomeWay.com | Ended with bids | $586.00 | 96 |
DrunkenCat.com | Ended with bids | $334.00 | 42 |
GoRentIt.com | Ended with bids | $62.00 | 14 |
ijustrealizedthat.com | Ended with bids | $50.00 | 6 |
Tito.xyz | Ended with bids | $155.00 | 14 |
IndependentPolls.com | Ended with bids | $70.00 | 10 |
RightAtYourDoor.com | Ended with bids | $25.00 | 1 |
Carpetbaggers.com | Ended with bids | $503.00 | 23 |
MutualCity.com | Ended with bids | $260.00 | 17 |
romza.com | Ended with bids | $384.00 | 52 |
BigRoofing.com | Ended with bids | $218.00 | 24 |
AtSwag.com | Ended with bids | $11.00 | 3 |
CustomBulk.com | Ended with bids | $47.00 | 11 |
BoldToday.com | Ended with bids | $101.00 | 25 |
AppCrypt.com | Ended with bids | $6.00 | 2 |
ivvas.com | Ended with bids | $231.00 | 48 |
OrdinaryFaith.com | Ended with bids | $205.00 | 13 |
WalkForFun.com | Ended with bids | $105.00 | 3 |
SimpleBrokers.com | Ended with bids | $320.00 | 22 |
ExpertEngines.com | Ended with bids | $64.00 | 6 |
albanyo.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
bimmeta.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
crowdet.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
dinert.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
eotopia.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
flreno.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
gigoff.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
hourla.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
hulii.com | Ended with bids | $259.00 | 54 |
illesty.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
itiio.com | Ended with bids | $1.00 | 1 |
izoon.com | Ended with bids | $6.00 | 2 |
keorg.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
kitemi.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
lagiz.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
loxery.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
maderly.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
portky.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
retiv.com | Ended with bids | $81.00 | 14 |
rouchos.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
taffed.com | Ended with bids | $1.00 | 1 |
timandi.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
whazzi.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
zedaf.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
zymoa.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ephh.com | Ended with bids | $458.00 | 39 |
jbaz.com | Ended with bids | $305.00 | 53 |
jgvx.com | Ended with bids | $104.00 | 22 |
oqsp.com | Ended with bids | $99.00 | 13 |
Jogo.net | Ended with bids | $5,555.00 | 93 |
staq.net | Ended with bids | $155.00 | 15 |
Pili.io | Ended with bids | $222.00 | 33 |
55406.com | Ended with bids | $88.00 | 18 |
11475.com | Ended with bids | $100.00 | 17 |
Mezcal.me | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Ambitious.me | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Buys.tv | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Positively.me | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Duress.net | Ended with bids | $1.00 | 1 |
AntiPersonal.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ArrivalUs.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
authorityportal.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
AwokenBoys.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BalloonDrive.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BlazeMeta.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BoxSharp.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BrainThermometer.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
BrushAcademy.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
canabria.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CarsByRequest.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CityInventory.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CompassSquad.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ConceptVessel.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CostDevelopment.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CreditReportGuy.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
CulinaryBrand.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
DrillMap.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
DrivingCoin.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
EarthlyAir.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ElfArm.com | Closeouts | $25.00 | 0 |
evometer.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FamilyBirthdays.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FeetRide.com | Ended with bids | $1.00 | 1 |
FounderTool.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FountainRescue.com | Ended with bids | $6.00 | 2 |
FrenchTale.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
GameSister.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
GeneticCoders.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
GeniusWater.com | Ended with bids | $456.00 | 64 |
GradHire.com | Ended with bids | $147.00 | 31 |
HappySwingers.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
HealPalm.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
HealthyDrives.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
HeavyPay.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
HighlyPraised.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
HirePremier.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
HotVisor.com | Ended with bids | $6.00 | 2 |
initrendi.com | Ended with bids | $6.00 | 2 |
LineLetter.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
litesnax.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MagnetMeta.com | Ended with bids | $1.00 | 1 |
MeetConferences.com | Closeouts | $40.00 | 0 |
MentorFootball.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MetaStorms.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
MindfulInvest.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
NotesForStudy.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
OfficialWonder.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
OpticClinic.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
OtherEntrepreneurs.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
OurMerchant.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PadCorner.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PatrolMeta.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PhoneSurge.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PioneerStation.com | Ended with bids | $63.00 | 11 |
PopularSelection.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PrimaSweet.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PrintCat.com | Ended with bids | $500.00 | 59 |
ProcureMe.com | Ended with bids | $178.00 | 29 |
ProWarranties.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
PublicMotto.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
QueenMotor.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
RapidShutdown.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
RecoveryFirm.com | Ended with bids | $72.00 | 13 |
RescueChic.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ReuseCars.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
RevivalUs.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ShakeSome.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SiteTouch.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SomeSpread.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
StockRefill.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
StockReseller.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
SwissProtocol.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TagForex.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TalentRewired.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TalkQuestions.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TeaSleep.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TestInsurance.com | Ended with bids | $6.00 | 2 |
TimelessLending.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TodayStarts.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ToolWealth.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TourLeaders.com | Ended with bids | $135.00 | 24 |
TriggerSpray.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TrustFare.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
TruthWizards.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
UnifiedBrewing.com | Closeouts | $25.00 | 0 |
VehicleSport.com | Ended with bids | $11.00 | 3 |
WizardTops.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
WoofClan.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
YeahSeen.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
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