A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on January 11, 2025.
GoDaddy Names at Auction
Domain | Status | Price | Bids |
11111.tv | Ended with bids | $3,671.00 | 266 |
1138.cc | Ended with bids | $680.00 | 71 |
168cp.com | Ended with bids | $65.00 | 9 |
7la.com | Ended with bids | $1,700.00 | 146 |
AdventFinancial.com | Ended with bids | $510.00 | 25 |
AnaheimTours.com | Ended with bids | $444.00 | 17 |
AndThat.com | Ended with bids | $1,360.00 | 53 |
ArreDemo.org | Ended with bids | $3,009.00 | 37 |
bcmoney-mobiletv.com | Ended with bids | $2,026.00 | 42 |
BestEarbuds.com | Ended with bids | $1,121.00 | 53 |
BetterFasterStronger.com | Ended with bids | $476.00 | 19 |
Bingo33.com | Ended with bids | $300.00 | 60 |
boletostolucafc.com | Ended with bids | $405.00 | 18 |
BoneAndJointBurden.org | Ended with bids | $28,130.00 | 116 |
BrooksFurnitureOnline.com | Ended with bids | $105.00 | 15 |
cafaitgenre.org | Ended with bids | $1,525.00 | 30 |
cbcrealestategroup.com | Ended with bids | $1,425.00 | 23 |
cf55.com | Ended with bids | $553.00 | 79 |
chesapeakegrc.org | Ended with bids | $1,525.00 | 18 |
ChicWorld.com | Ended with bids | $313.00 | 36 |
chiyue.com | Ended with bids | $493.00 | 96 |
CoderGang.com | Ended with bids | $535.00 | 26 |
CollegeAgents.com | Ended with bids | $125.00 | 14 |
ConservationWarehouse.com | Ended with bids | $898.00 | 27 |
CreatOrville.com | Ended with bids | $314.00 | 13 |
crosswordeg.com | Ended with bids | $105.00 | 15 |
dailyweesa.com | Ended with bids | $510.00 | 19 |
DavidDavieSlaw.com | Ended with bids | $1,825.00 | 29 |
Demolition.net | Ended with bids | $1,463.00 | 30 |
DevNetworks.com | Ended with bids | $247.00 | 12 |
djaerotech.com | Ended with bids | $455.00 | 23 |
DonnieRadio.com | Ended with bids | $405.00 | 17 |
DougWeAd.com | Ended with bids | $3,383.00 | 25 |
DoVisa.com | Ended with bids | $537.00 | 61 |
DreamDrone.com | Ended with bids | $560.00 | 38 |
Driveability.com | Ended with bids | $865.00 | 46 |
EligibilityCalculator.com | Ended with bids | $540.00 | 37 |
FarmToFrank.com | Ended with bids | $7,100.00 | 49 |
FoalPatrol.com | Ended with bids | $1,575.00 | 28 |
FreeVia.com | Ended with bids | $660.00 | 22 |
galleryplanb.com | Ended with bids | $405.00 | 19 |
GlitterBoxNo.com | Ended with bids | $511.00 | 18 |
HenDoHover.com | Ended with bids | $25,500.00 | 77 |
hg350.com | Ended with bids | $155.00 | 23 |
hg717.com | Ended with bids | $215.00 | 12 |
hsbrew.co | Ended with bids | $3,483.00 | 21 |
icces.org | Ended with bids | $450.00 | 31 |
ijournalist.com | Ended with bids | $504.00 | 23 |
InspiringImpact.org | Ended with bids | $809.00 | 13 |
joygh5.com | Ended with bids | $561.00 | 67 |
junpo.com | Ended with bids | $367.00 | 90 |
kurman1kotasemarang.com | Ended with bids | $55.00 | 4 |
LegalOdds.com | Ended with bids | $205.00 | 9 |
LisaBrownForCongress.com | Ended with bids | $200.00 | 12 |
littlerunmo.com | Ended with bids | $500.00 | 13 |
LuckyPanda.com | Ended with bids | $7,210.00 | 147 |
LuxeBuild.com | Ended with bids | $511.00 | 47 |
mntransgenderhealth.org | Ended with bids | $2,655.00 | 61 |
nctcfiber.com | Ended with bids | $886.00 | 40 |
pd68.com | Ended with bids | $100.00 | 18 |
PickleBallBox.com | Ended with bids | $360.00 | 73 |
pizzapiezazz.net | Ended with bids | $1,259.00 | 25 |
PrivateTeens.com | Ended with bids | $124.00 | 16 |
qjcapital.com | Ended with bids | $281.00 | 30 |
qtvl.com | Ended with bids | $110.00 | 15 |
revistapessoa.com | Ended with bids | $1,025.00 | 20 |
RightFlooring.com | Ended with bids | $1,475.00 | 40 |
ScienceOfExpertise.com | Ended with bids | $676.00 | 17 |
Season-Zero.com | Ended with bids | $255.00 | 12 |
SevierParkFest.com | Ended with bids | $2,024.00 | 24 |
sf666.com | Ended with bids | $455.00 | 91 |
smiledentaldxb.com | Ended with bids | $1,145.00 | 47 |
soffer.com | Ended with bids | $15,250.00 | 112 |
SoftBras.com | Ended with bids | $205.00 | 7 |
SportsVenue.com | Ended with bids | $760.00 | 44 |
TellurideGallery.com | Ended with bids | $1,320.00 | 48 |
thesouthernon8th.com | Ended with bids | $5,755.00 | 48 |
trendflixx.com | Ended with bids | $391.00 | 40 |
TrueHeritage.com | Ended with bids | $835.00 | 36 |
usarentacar.com | Ended with bids | $60.00 | 6 |
ViaExpo.com | Ended with bids | $1,625.00 | 41 |
ViewFromTheCenter.com | Ended with bids | $2,786.00 | 33 |
vulcansocietyfdny.org | Ended with bids | $2,025.00 | 40 |
WineAndPeace.com | Ended with bids | $205.00 | 14 |
Worked.net | Ended with bids | $709.00 | 28 |
wpyukle.net | Ended with bids | $455.00 | 9 |
BitStamp.io | Ended with bids | $6.00 | 2 |
VendorLab.com | Ended with bids | $426.00 | 17 |
EnergyMountain.com | Ended with bids | $340.00 | 45 |
Uniqi.com | Ended with bids | $677.00 | 62 |
Molto.io | Ended with bids | $25.00 | 1 |
CoinStar.io | Ended with bids | $16.00 | 5 |
EngineCraft.com | Ended with bids | $255.00 | 14 |
Chock.io | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Floraverde.com | Ended with bids | $125.00 | 21 |
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MoneyMafia.com Most bids on the board now. I have all their albums…jk Took over the name below
At $565 with 3 days left
Domain.contact Landing pages?
At $510 and ending soon
ArmWrestling.com Whoah… Own an entire sport 💪🏻
At $1,913 with 6 days left
Govt.info Because the government doesn’t make it easy to find info
CleverPack.com I’m making this an AI name
At $200 and ending soon
Learning.network Another great use of a .network
At $205 with a day left
Girlfriend.info the Girlfriend.ai name gave this one a little more value
FullyGreen.com People LOVE to brag about being green
At $109 with a day left
AIToolTracker.com Daily posts of new AI tools
At $220 with 2 days left
Rag.xyz $267 renewal
Domain.fm domain podcast?
At $309 and ending soon
Namebin.com Some domainer will want this
At $104 with 3 days left
TheBestof.ai Interesting hack. Interesting enough it got a bid
At 1,000 EUR with a day left
XLOE.com Under $100 reserve. “Zlow”
Auction starts in 4 days
AmazingClassroom.com Gets 3300 monthly visits
At $438 with 2 days left
Below are at BIN and based on AI expiry auctions above these could be decent grabs
WOJ.ai The cheapest LLL.ai on Sedo at $199 BIN
MNQ.ai This one is at $200
GWL.ai $202 BIN
Zeplin.ai Interesting name at $299
Forward.tech At $500. If you would take it in words to the left of the dot then having part as the TLD should work
At $500 and ending soon
TheScienceNetwork.org Most bids on the Catched board
At $1,501 and ending soon
Vinto.net “beaten or defeated” in Italian A few bids
At $19 with 4 days left
CryptoLink.org. Crypto anything right now
At $19 with 7 days left
LuckyBot.org AI Gambling?
At $14 with 4 days left
CoSpace.es They have coworking spaces in Spain too
At $29 with 4 days left