Domain Spotlight:

THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Wednesday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on July 16th

I remember buying my new Apple laptop last year with the retina screen and thinking, “so this is what my website really looks like”.  I didn’t really notice,but my eyes have been getting progressively worse.  Nobody in my family wears glasses except to read and it was only as they got older.  Well evidently I’m older.  Last year the retina screen let me peruse the domain list easily and for long periods of time. But now that my running is in high gear and I’m tired from working at the nursery all day, those little words make me exhausted.  So I bit the bullet and bought some 1.25 reading glasses and it’s amazing. Looks so clear I feel I could walk into the screen. Getting old is a bitch. But I don’t mind as long as I don’t get slow. Here are today’s names.  I like it because it’s a 17 years old but it’s also a town in Norway Because we all know that televisions will get so big they will be your entire wall  Not sure what kind of perks you’re going to get but if you get them from watching a lot of movies I’m in  Sounds like a big company already.  More professional than my company name..Rocket Donkey  Good letters.   The usual 30 or so bidders   Good technology company name   There’s a trademark on this one and it’s going to be hard to use it for something other than lip related. Nice name though  Moms get all the pub.  Time to talk Dads  Going to have to outbid “first” for this one  And this one as well.  He loves these types of names  Wow, pretty big price  The Chinese are gobbling these up at $70-$100 but I expect them to rise above $100 soon

NEW Monday!!!! Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day.. 30% OFF Cart BB2086D30   17 years old. Everything is about data.  Data is what turns good businesses into great businesses.  A PR4, 15 years old.  I like to think I have an eye for beauty but then I realized I just kept pointing out 21 year old girls  Not a bad marketing name for $99  Evidently registered in 1863.  Good letters.  Maybe you could sell it to the North Carolina Nut Roasters  Little map, big domain  If you can guarantee that you will be rich. Or buy the domain and sell it to the person that can do it and have more money than when you started  I know why people buy these, because other people will buy them.  I just don’t see the branding potential   There are quite a few 5N.coms up today and this one is getting all the attention  18 years old.  Ends in A so you know I like it  Pretty much explains what your company is going to do. Find baby daddies  Last call for this fantastic domain.  Would need a build out to make good money with this one but 18 years old and plenty of ways to optimize it  Guys have toolboxes, men have tool chests.  Would make a great name for any web tools.  My name

Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct.

Domain Spotlight: