Domain Spotlight:


There was some interesting news out of China yesterday.  Berkins covered the story here.  There was an article in the Wall Street Journal regarding the story as well.  Search Google for “China Seeks More Legal Muscle to Block Foreign Websites” to read that article.  Basically, the Chinese are talking about implementing stricter rules regarding websites serving content in China, and if I’m reading this correctly, they are proposing to do this by restricting the domain names that can serve content in China to names that are managed by Chinese institutions.  What I can’t tell from either article is if this means that names should be locked down to tld’s that are owned by Chinese registrars or if it means that a domain name, regardless of tld,  needs to be registered at a Chinese controlled registrar in order to serve content in China.  The latter would make a lot more sense and shouldn’t impact domain prices a whole lot — the Chinese move the names they buy to ename ASAP anyway.  The first option would devastate prices across nearly every category on this list, and you would think it would boost the prices of good keyword names as Chinese investors shifted to names that were western premium.  The draft is open for public comment until 4/25.  You would think that a lot of Chinese companies would be complaining.  Anyone out there with better info on this story?

Numeric .com Δ30MA
.net Δ30MA
.org Δ30MA
.cc Δ30MA
3N $695,582
↑ 32% $5,534
↓-3% $2,456
↑ 2% $5,256
4N $14,274
↓-0% $493
↓-28% $52
↓-39% $865
↑ 121%
5N $773
↓-16% $35
↓-5% $4
↓-30% $41
↑ 9%
6N $20
↓-16% $7
↓-52% $3
↓-24% $2
7N $12
8N $69
↑ 626%
No 4 or 0
.com Δ30MA
.net Δ30MA
.org Δ30MA
.cc Δ30MA
3N $695,582
↑ 32% $22,877
↑ 6% $3,383
↑ 1% $15,148
4N $34,439
↓-3% $1,546
↓-8% $167
↓-42% $1,561
5N $2,605
↓-25% $156
↓-19% $23
↓-27% $286
↑ 16%
6N $145
↓-31% $13
↓-13% $4
↓-35% $15
Letters &
.com Δ30MA
.net Δ30MA
.org Δ30MA
.cc Δ30MA
3I $54,101
↓-10% $1,638
↓-53% $1,188
↓-7% $1,889
3L $20,095
↓-12% $1,188
↑ 0% $742
↑ 10% $462
↑ 34%
3C $2,006
↑ 127% $15
↓-58% $6
↓-44% $9
4I $1,605
↓-12% $208
↓-5% $23
↓-13% $101
↑ 5%
4L $314
↓-13% $13
↓-34% $4
↓-74% $10
↑ 6%
5I $12

N = Numeric
I = Initial (a letter not including a,e,i,o,u,v)
C = Character (any number or letter)
Δ30MA = Change vs. 30 day moving average
The number in parentheses below the price is the volume sold

Domain Spotlight: