When I was in college my freshman year I had a lot of anxiety. Like most people I thought it was only me but in hindsight it was almost every college student. You’re away from home. Not many friends around. Have to manage you’re own money. And in general trying to build a new life and start your individual self. One of the smart things that I did was use the free service of the college to talk to people. Think of it as a therapist but in this case they really couldn’t advise, but merely ask questions back and give suggestions in question form. They were mostly grad students or PHD students. It was pretty simple but it was nice to talk to someone my own age and really just talk to someone that seemed wiser than me.
I have taken many of the things they told me back then and use them to this day. While I still have things I worry about, in general, I haven’t had much anxiety in the last 25 years that didn’t involve family relationships at the nursery. I still write down my thoughts to analyze my issues. I ask myself questions like
“If this blows up and gets worse what are the repercussions?”
“What are the best results and the worst results that can happen?”
“What are the chances of each and is there anything I can do that will swing them towards the better results”
“If I were to do this again what would I have done differently?”
Often when I go through these questions I realize there is nothing I can do. What’s done is done and I just have to wait for the result. And deal with it then. I have come up with an ability to shut it off until that happens. Take the weather for instance. It drastically effects my results and my life at the nursery. Rain stops crews and retail traffic and can cost me 10s of thousand per day. Snow means I have to get crews ready and I lose precious sleep. Yet I don’t worry about it. There is not a damn thing I can do other than try and prepare a little for whatever happens. But there is no reason to be upset about it. I have enough decisions to make based on things I can control to worry about the things I can’t. Easier said than done I know but you can mentally work yourself into that mindset with decades of practice.
By writing things down I also realize that I tended to get all emotional based on the worst case scenario. When in reality it never ended up that bad. The result was generally an inconvenience more than a big problem. Over the years I now end up saying “It will all work out fine” because it does. 99% of the time no matter what happens things eventually find their way back to norm. I tell employees and family that now. “It will be fine but lets not do that or let’s try and do this next time”. It is more calming rather than blasting them and acting like they just caused a terrible result.
While I’m certainly not the wise old owl, I am definitely more calm than I used to be. I still exaggerate results too much for effect but I am toning it back. Still writing and going back to the questions above and adjusting my reactions.
Quote of the Day: “If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.” – Ivan Nuru
Domain of the Day: Permanently.com This one is forever
Namejet, Sedo, Snap, and other Names Up for Auction
Sedo’s Great Domains Auction is going on Now
QSE.com This will sell because the reserve is under $10K
FootballBetting.com What do you think about the reserve?
Street.org Going to sell. Finally met reserve
Opaz.com A few hundred within reserve
Sexe.org The other day I gave the prices for the .com and .net. Met reserve since then
Godaddy Domains With Bids
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ChinaCenter.com Top price on the Godaddy board today. Money is in the numbers
Pelek.com A surname and a geo. Getting a little more action than your average 5L.com
OceanYachts.com Already a company by this name that would get a good upgrade with the name. Also a generic term to describe yachts that are Ocean worthy
Bitspay.com I think Bitpay will get all the traffic but people like it
FoodHunters.com Joe Rogan would approve of this name
DailyWonder.com Sounds like a Mental floss type site or a twitter/instagram account
GreenBulbs.com Energy efficient light bulbs
PepperStore.com Pretty sure you’re going to sneeze as soon as you enter the store. Probably going to be a hot pepper store
Amiigo.com Not much value but everyone does know the word amigo
ActionAgents.com Upgrade name for a few but the results mostly come up for Cars 2 toys
555695.com The triple repeaters at the front are worth 1/5 of what they would be at the end. Maybe 1/10
Buzzu.com Seems to be several buzz domains sold at auction each month
ChristmasDisplays.com not sure exactly how you monetize this one but have to put it here because it has 34 bids and Godaddy thinks its worth more than $3K
Karaya.com Its a gum from trees used to thicken foods. Or just a smooth brand
Lamoo.com French Ice Cream
Tokency.com Tokenization is still a big part of the future. Just not new tokens that trade on a platform
YourSuit.com Suits are a probably at an all time low over the last 100 years but all things come and go. Buy low
ClassicTales.com Kids love stories
OhioApartments.com Maybe for student apartments at Ohio Estate
HoneyNature.com I’ve been a big fan of honey names lately myself. I’ve purchased a few. I think they’re sweet
Godaddy Names With One of No Bids
The Rest of the Godaddy Names With Bids
Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We Charge $10 per name per day. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details.*All names chosen by us, Shane and Josh . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything we say is based on our own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or our opinion is correct. We hand choose the names but we are paid to make this list by both the auction houses, individuals that are auctioning names, and Godaddy affiliate links. Keep that in mind and only buy names that YOU think are good.
I’m reading “Stillness is the Key” by Ryan Holiday. A lot of wisdom from a fairly wise young man. I just finished the chapter on journaling. Some of the greatest people in history kept a journal, or at least got their thoughts out of their head onto paper.
I don’t journal often enough. But when I feel stressed or overwhelmed I *always* find myself resorting to writing. Tony Robbins always says – “if you want a better outcome, ask yourself better questions” This is definitely one way to do it.
Thanks Bar for the comment. I’ll have to add that to my reading list. Writing stuff down has always worked for me. I don’t really keep a diary per se but rather just jot stuff down. Started in 1990 so its interesting to pull an old notebook out and take a look. I looked last year at a 1993 page and I had one of my big goals as a nice television. Funny how things change 🙂