I saw the greatest compliment in a comment on one of the blogs. It said something to the effect of “I’m so tired of the lists that showcase the auctions coming up. The just drive up the prices. If they weren’t posted for a month the prices would come way down” While it’s not true its nice to think that I am pointing out some names that might not have received the same amount of views. On another note, this time change thing gets me every time the first week. It’s so light out I don’t realize how late it is and end up not starting my night work until much later. Then I have to run in the pitch dark. Its always dark at 5 am but in the winter I finish up and enjoy the sunrise. Now I’m a vampire. And Oh yeah, my portfolio gets reviewed at DomainSherpa today. Here are today’s names
Loves.net I don’t loves dot net but I sure do like it. 18 years old. I think this would fetch over $500 on Flippa
GHF.com This proves that LLL.coms fetch great prices regardless of where they are auctioned
HaHaFunny.com Not a ton of value but 15 years old and probably worth more than the $12 bid it has now
StrikeBox.com You’ve heard me say I like box names and this one is pretty strong in my opinion. And cheap. No bidders
BurchBox.com Not my style but I know there are still typo people out there. 1000 visits a month
1e1e.com These are the types of names that sell for good money and most people don’t know why
ZZLO.com Hard to make an acronym out of ZZ but they will be able to remember it easily so worth at least $50 IMO
A GODADDY COUPON CODE: 99 Cent Tranfer. te99comp
80-80.com I liked it until I saw it had a reserve. Still going to watch. 2 bidders
ZAAW.com 12 bidders agree with me that this is a pretty domain.
5WV.com Everyone should have a few NLL.coms in their portfolio. Liquid and have been moving up in value for the last few years
IZ8.com CCC.coms that end in 8 always end well
A6N.com CCC.coms are trading domains. And the trend is up.
777.asia Almost at $1000 with lots of bidders. Understandable because of the good letters and if you are going to invest in a country, Asia is as good as it gets
86138.com No 4s, lots of 8s. $800 here we come
ShootToWin.com Kinda catchy. The name of a few books – one about guns, one about craps, one about soccer.
MinerGame.com Do game domains still sell? $1.7k Estibot if you’re a believer.
HardErection.com 21 bidders want a name about the difficulties of building a skyscraper
For more great names make sure to check out CAX.com
Have a name at auction and need more exposure? The list above is hand curated from every name that is up for auction at Godaddy, Flippa, Namejet, Sedo, and 4.cn. We can add your name to this list for $10 per name, per day. We take no more than 3 names per day and if I think you name won’t sell, I won’t let you waste your money or our readers time. Email us if you need some extra exposure
*All names chosen by me, Shane . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct
I was excited to pickup StrikeBox.com for just a little over $100, but then I get the dreaded “Your Auction Has Ended” email this morning… Oh well…