Domain Spotlight:

Reserve Met and Will Sell – A memorable domain. The is developed, and there appear to be a few businesses with “buttercups” in their name, so perhaps they’ll want to buy an upgrade sometime. – Higher bidding than I would have expected…..”drone” is a buzzy keyword these days, so it’s sometimes tough to gauge how high they’ll get. – I believe this has been through Flippa previously without hitting reserve, so it’s nice to see the seller allow the market to determine its worth. Pretty good letters. – SEO names always seem to sell, regardless of the extension. – Peace, love and music. And some drugs.

236 Domain Portfolio – A mish mash of types of domains and extensions. Bidding is below $500, so perhaps you can find a name or two that will justify the entire purchase.

Reserve Not Metleft hand brewing – Love this name…..perhaps because I’m fond of the local Left Hand Brewing Company…..or because it’s a highly memorable, flexible 4 letter word. – Stock & financial portfolios, art or photography portfolios……lots of uses. – The commercial nature of selling doesn’t necessarily fit with the extension, but heck, there are organizations for everything these days. – If you’re into -ing names.

Domain Spotlight: