I’d like to tell you that I made a fortune today betting college basketball but then the IRS guys read my blog every day so I will say that I didn’t. I’ll only say that there are going to be a few college basketball players with some not so friendly tweets from me today. And sorry for the very short list. I am do this at 3:30 in the morningzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
PackageDesigners.com. No bidders on this 1999 domain
Zipstick.comGreat product name. May already be few .
HourlyRates.com. Here in Vegas I’be been told they are about $400Ruhr but I can’t get anyone to fill out a 1099
Huup.com The double u is popular in Europe anof catching on in New York
Bune.com Most bids of all the names today
HourlyRates.com is my pick of the lot. Bune.com might be worth a decent sum too, but for practical purposes, it just doesn’t roll off the tongue.
Huup.com $515 42 bids