I watched the latest DomainSherpa while I was going through today’s list. It was longer than normal, but I appreciated the extra content. I know a lot of shows try and stick to a time frame, with the thinking being that too much and people will lose interest. I don’t think this is the case anymore, it’s not for me anyway. I don’t think this has to do with people not being able to pay attention for long periods of time, but more so that people are now conditioned to do numerous things at the same time. Just like Cyger running while listening, and myself doing the lists, people just don’t sit and do one thing at a time anymore.
Ever watch a room full of people try and watch something on TV, or have a meal together? For the most part they’ve adapted to multitasking, for better or worse. It’s watered down comprehension and retention, but I still think there’s value to it. Radio is still alive because of the concept and podcasts are popular. While there’s more and more video streaming options I prefer to listen while I do other things. We probably lose some level of productivity on each task, but I think we’ve trained ourselves to tune in and out, depending on what’s being communicated, or what our interest level is and any given time or subject.
I don’t think I’ve watched TV just to watch TV in years, I’m always doing something else. I guess that’s a good thing. I think that’s why I like going to the movies, it’s one of the only times where I focus on the film and treat it as a full viewing experience rather than background noise.
I know I miss out on all kinds of things by not watching with an undivided attention. Sometimes I go back and watch the Sherpa shows without doing anything else. There’s a ton of communication and understanding that isn’t verbal. Facial expressions and body language can give us all kinds of information and depth to what’s being said.
The point to all of this, and I think it’s a good one, is that being cognizant of these concepts is important. For example if I’m having trouble with a concept or need to learn something important, I need to shift my approach to certain material and be more deliberate in how I receive it. If I’m having trouble with some aspect of the domain industry I need to change my approach from passively hearing information to actively listening to the information.
I see this all the time at work, whether it’s precepting students or watching someone study for an upcoming test to a certification class. They think they’re studying by putting time in, but with no discernible attempt to focus on the material or reduce distractions. I think simply pausing and deliberately thinking about what they’re doing and what their goal is would help them learn better. Sometimes just being aware of the situation is the only boost that’s needed.
Worst domain of the day with bids: SimplyWorkScore.com It seems like over half of the Godaddy names with bids on any given day, are the ones with backlinks profiles. This domains is currently at $338, there’s 277K backlinks but only 65 referring C-block ip’s. That’s not a good ratio. There’s also no listed Godaddy traffic number. That means that bots don’t even visit this domain. I can’t believe that people are still paying this much for domains just based off of the backlinks. What are they doing with them? What am I missing? Are blog networks working again, has there been some spike in parking revenue from spammy traffic?
- Main List NameJet Flippa/Sedo
- LLLL.com’s LLL, CCC, 5L Other LLLL’s
- Short Brandables Numbers One Worders Vape, Vegan, VR
- Snap Names/Dropcatch NamePros Godaddy Value BIN
- Available For Reg Fee
Click the links for current prices, most links are commissionable and fund the operation.
Main List
The No Bid List
AllBrave.com a site that only talks about brave people
BackYou.com I got your back, don’t worry
BoneDonkey.com No idea, but Bone Donkey sounds like an IPA
CandyFund.com fast track to diabetes
DevelopSolar.com the concept that takes solar to the next level of efficiency
DigitalVallet.com It’s a help service for all things digital
DoCorrect.com Don’t do things the wrong way
DoNursing.com A call to action nurse hiring name
EasiestWork.com Want an easy job? This is the easiest
FindEnjoyment.com Hopefully you’ll be able to find enjoyment doing the easiest work
FindImmediately.com no more long hours of searching
GotOriginal.com Makes me think of a site for something that has a lot of fakes, with limited originals
GunStat.com A info site on guns
IllRiseUp.com Your own personal prophetic proclamation of future success
ImpactDiet.com sounds like a hard hitting effective diet
IncredibleBroker.com Who doesn’t want to be an incredible broker?
IntoUnknown.com Into the unknown, a site about adventure or maybe death. Take the “the” out for a shorter domain
LedgerCrowd.com Crowd sourced blockchain
LittleAthlete.com sports and kids, very popular
LoveEverytime.com The brand for something that never gets old
MagicShit.com Maybe it glows, talks to you, or gets up and walks away?
MightyScrub.com The cleanser with power
NeedHere.com This is where we need it, right here
OnlineMoment.com A site like archive.org, it tracks online moments
ProsperHigh.com Get high and do work
RecordOfHealth.com an app that tracks your health records. This would be great in the event something happens to you and need medical help. Do you know how many people don’t remember all their medical history or the medications they take. Also would work well if you’re unconscious
RenewNotice.com Those pesky emails that come, reminding you to renew your domains
RespectableMe.com If you need a domain to tell everyone how respectable you are you’re probably doing it wrong
SilentDesire.com those things you really want, but you can’t or shouldn’t talk about it
SmartAssignment.com It’s not just busy work, it’s something that needs to be done the right way
SoYouShould.com An indecision helping site, should I or shouldn’t I do that?
SpaceTactical.com Tactical gear for the Space Force, probably light sabers and blasters
SureSteady.com Nice brand I like it
TakeItForYou.com Have trouble taking tests? These guys will take it for you
ThinkingItOver.com When you’re not sure what to do, this site helps you objectively weigh the pros and cons
UniversalAward.com An award for anybody or anyone, no idea what it’s for, probably for nothing, if you feel like you need to give someone an award but have no reason, give then the universal award
UniverseWallet.com The wallet that lets you hold every token in the universe
VaultFirm.com The company that’s all about vaults
WorldProsper.com World wide growth and profit
ZBrew.com Brew with a Z
More Names With No Bids
Names With Bids
More Names With No Bids
Your LLLL.coms of The Day
LLLL’s that End Users Might use someday
LLL’s, CCC’s, 5L’s
Some Numbers
One Worders and Other TLD’s
Vape, Weed and Vegan Names and VR
Snap Names/DropCatch
Godaddy Value BIN
Godaddy Value BIN
Available Names
Available for Reg Fee big list
Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We Charge $10 per name per day. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details.*All names chosen by us, Shane and Josh . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything we say is based on our own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or our opinion is correct. We hand choose the names but we are paid to make this list by both the auction houses, individuals that are auctioning names, and Godaddy affiliate links. Keep that in mind and only buy names that YOU think are good
Great points. You and I have been doing the list long enough to know that people are generally lazy and lemmings. One, they see traffic or backlinks listed by Godaddy and take them as real or exact. They see other bidders and assume that they must have done their homework so they will tag on. At the nursery I did this test. Everyone seemed to want the trees that had sold on them even though I had 20 more. They would always say “can I have that one”. Even though it clearly had a sold name. So I put a few sold tags and pink ribbons on trees that said John Handsome. But I tagged what I thought was the worst tree. Yup. They still wanted that one.
Domain investing is 30% making money and 70% not spending it on bad names. But that requires homework, knowledge, experience, and time. Many don’t have all or any.
Now that is a funny test. Couple possible lessons there: 1. People think it’s the best because they are lazy and have decided that someone already put in the work to figure out that is the best tree. 2. People want what they can’t have.
“Domain investing is 30% making money and 70% not spending it on bad names.”
Ha. I’ve never thought about it like that before, but it’s 100% true. You need to find any reason to say no to buying domain names today…you need to hunt for the really good ones, because there are so many names for sale every day. It’s only through this type of critical thinking about the reasons you might say no that you end up with great names.
Nice post today, Josh.
I also watched the latest DomainSherpa episode, and I enjoyed it as usual. While I agree that a long show is not a negative thing per se, some episodes could have been half as long without losing any value.
Maybe it’s a cultural thing (I’m not American), but some people really love to talk and will repeat their answer several times and just keep talking. Kudos to Shane for being one of the better ones to keep it short and to the point.
Apart from that, I love the show!
Well-said, Josh!
Thank you for the compliment. You hit on one of the great things about Michael Cyger. A host controls the flow of the show. Tess is learning and will get better with time. Cyber is a fantastic host and I’ve been on over 1000 tv shows and he’s one of the best I’ve worked with.
I agree 100%!
Re : DigitalVallet.
Valet is misspelled.
Just saying 🙂