Domain Spotlight:

Looking for Trends? Leave it to the Japanese to Trump the Snuggie

We’re always looking for hot new trends  here at Domain Shane and the Snuggie was certainly one of the biggest trends in 2009.  Leave it to the Japanese to up the ante with this hot new device called Tsuuhanseikatsu. Not only does it keep you warm but it helps you get away from bears (see ad below).  If you can’t read Japanese I’ve provided the translation below. Sorry but the dot com is taken.  You can’t say I didn’t give you the chance to get in early.  I see affiliate marketing written all over this one.


Translation (Right to left):

Ranking #3 Walkable Sleeping Bag System Design

He says, “If I get attacked by bears during the night, I can stand up and run away,”

Zenki Furukawa (43 years old), goes snowboarding or surfing every weekend with a sleeping bag. He had three complaints regarding oridinary sleeping bags: 1. If I don’t get out of my sleeping bag, I can’t reach what I need. 2. If I’m attacked by a bear, I cannot stand up immediately and run away. 3. I cannot turn over while sleeping, or bend my knees. It feels tight.

I understand the convenience of this bag in regards to #3, because having two legs will make it easier to sleep. But how about #1 and #2? Am I able to reach things if I cannot have my hands outside the bag? Am I able to run faster than a bear? Mr. Furukawa says, “it depends on your effort.”


“When the sleeping bag was taken to an exhibition in February 2004, magazine journalists took so many pictures. But due to the election in the House of Consulars and the Iraq War, it didn’t get much coverage in magazines.”

Maybe that’s why…

“I believe that if Tsuuhanseikatsu had picked this up, so many of them would be sold. If it sells well enough, soon, I will make a kid’s size.”

Caption: Left and right legs are able to move separately. It doesn’t have the tight feeling of having two legs together.

Product Info: Size: M: up to 170cm, L: up to 180cm. When it’s stored, its dimensions are 22 cm x 43 cm. Weight: 1.6 kG. Standard using temperature is 3 degrees to 7 degrees. Materials: Side textiles: Polyester. Stuffing 90% goose down, 10% feathers. Interior feather weight: 350 g (550 feel-power). Made in China. To prevent falling accidents, don’t actually run.

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2 Replies to “Looking for Trends? Leave it to the Japanese to Trump the Snuggie”

  1. You have to be careful.

    You could get shot wearing this thing while walking or running in the woods. 🙂

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