Domain Spotlight:

Below is another look at a few developed sites on the new gTLDs. Screenshots are linked to the sites if you’d like to check them out for yourself.


I admit that what’s to the left of the dot isn’t much to write home about; however, its theme ties to their parent company’s URL,, which is a company that is driving “an evolution in photo booths”.

The .Global site is described as:

“Event photo creation at its best.

Our technology enables users to create engaging imagery and share this experience via social media. Our platform provides a seamless user journey from creation of their GIFs to sharing this content with their friends using Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.”

“Bang on trend for 2016, our GIFGIF Photo Booth service is here to stay. GIF GIF Booth takes up to six photos in succession and then merges them together to form a moving image, or a “gif“.

Users can create their engaging imagery and then share their experiences via social media with no efforts. A real smooth and funny journey, from creating a gif to sharing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Easy as 1-2-3.”


Yes, the domain describes exactly what the company does….dance pictures.

Dance Photography by Robert Kelley.” “Dance Photography and Videography”

His Facebook page has nearly 5,000 likes, and he has over 15,000 Instagram followers, so he’s doing something right.

There are lots and lots of personal and professional photographer sites on .Photo domains, with just a couple examples with some beautiful photos below.



Di Arte is an online gallery offering selection of exclusive photographic art prints”

Domain Spotlight: