Domain Spotlight:

Recent Domain Sales That Have Been Developed (pics):, & more

The screenshots below are examples of buyers of domains from the past few months that have either developed their sites, or purchased an upgrade domain and have redirected their acquisition to an existing website. sold for $4,500 in January at Sedo.  The name went to GHD Partners – a New York based graphic design company with an impressive client list.  P as the last letter in a 3L and 4L name is less talked about than C, A or I, but the words partners and productions makes P as the last letter attractive. sold for $4,446 at Sedo near the beginning of the year.  This numeric and dash containing .com went to a Swiss company sepcializing in 3D printers and 3D printing services.  Of course, a numeric is expected when using the term 3D. sold for $3,000 at Sedo in January.  “Enlyte is an educational and social platform to help people discover the career that matches them best, then give[sic] them the resources and tools to advance themselves through their chosen career path.”  Enlyte is a misspell of an odd and rarely used word, but I see where they are going with it. sold for $60,750 at PerfectName in January.  The name went to Red Barn Pet Products and redirects to is obviously a great upgrade, and hopefully, they will eventually move the site over to the new domain.  Red Barn has a corporate office in California and has a manufacturing plant in Kansas. sold for $4,500 on Sedo in January.  This domain was picked up by American Sustainable Rubber Co.  It is a very specific domain and required a pretty specific buyer, but it looks like it worked out.  This company claims to  have “found a way to produce natural rubber by growing and harvesting genetically improved dandelions”.  That is interesting…

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Recent Domain Sales That Have Been Developed (pics):, & more”

  1. American rubber really does look interesting.
    I’m in the lawn care business and always dream of how to make money off dandelions 🙂 I do….by killing them 🙂

    1. Yes, they were always a weed to me. Now I see dandelion greens sold as food in the grocery store next to the arugula and they are trying to make tires out of them. Crazy…

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