If you have a decent portfolio then most likely you’ve had a broker contact you to see if you have a domain of a certain type for one of their clients. If so then they’ve probably asked to see what you’re looking for and your budget as well. At first I always felt that I would pay too much if I used a broker to buy a name. Now I realize that they can also find you a good deal. There are some people that don’t mind liquidating and if the stars align you may be able to find a name you never could have found yourself and get it for the price you wanted. But I agree, the other 99% of the emails and phone calls are going to be at prices that are way too high. Now onto the names
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein
PPWW.com Can anyone explain to me why this is at $10,000?
Zigot.com Nice 5 letter dot com that would make a decent brand. Some may think it needs another G but Zagat proves that it would work
NextGadget.com No bidders. 12 year old domain is as good of a brand as any of the gadget blogs out there
LeftyClubs.com For $28 you can be the left handed golf club King
1111.me Not sure if I like number.me domains but if I did this is one of the best NNNN you can get
5555.me I like this one even better but a little surprised it’s this high already
YouPrintCoupons.com Memorable and coupons. A good combo
RelaxedFit.com I’m a slim fit guy except in the jeans. Because that shows the gift
$2.49 .COM at GoDaddy.com! Expires 5/14/13.
UVCoatings.com I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shopped online for UV coatings. Actually I can, never…but there are those that do
SVEE.com Not just an acronym but also a last name
IHO.net You’ve heard me say I am not a fan of LLL.net but I don’t hate this one
ShrimpFactory.com I love fresh shrimp but although this name is great for a lot of uses it will probably ultimately be used by some chain that sells frozen
TherapistWorld.com Easy gag site. therapist , the rapist. Too easy
BBPF.com 20 bids means 4 serious and 16 watchers. Could go cheap
HighStreet.com Stay there all the time when I’m in Laguna. Not metaphorically but physically