I was rooting for Seattle yesterday not because I particularly care about the team but because I like tough defense and tough running. I’m a defense first kind of guy. And boy did defense pay off yesterday. But I want to give you a little advice. DO NOT play the ZZZZZQuil game I made up. Take a shot of zzzzQuil every time Seattle scores. By halftime I was half asleep playing Flappy Bird and eating wings with a fork. But at least it’s not addicting. zzzQuil not Flappy Bird. Flappy Bird is very addictive. Here are today’s names. And Remember if you’d like to list a name in Friday’s Book of 10 Domain Names for Sale shoot me an email
1226.net I think this is worth the opening bid after looking at some of the NNNN.net results at Namebio.
CreativeStorm.com Love the brand possibilities. As long as it’s under $100
CPAO.com Great letters.
ClickBuzz.com Two buzz words. Or at least one. 13 years old
AUOU.com Lots of vowels is usually a good thing in LLLL.coms
SGIS.com Another good letter LLLL.com I’m amazed how many have come up for sale lately
Worthless Random Fact: Bill Gates’ first business was Traff-O-Data, a company that created machines which recorded the number of cars passing a given point on a road.
Florists.info At some point everyone needs a florist
7V.org A few recent comps include 3P.org at $1,800, 2W.org at $1,026, and 4S.org at $4,999.
SMFA.com 17 years old and ends in A. Favorite of the day
AnimalRescue.com Because there are millions that need it.
EatOrganic.com Not a big organic guy here. I’m more concerned with staying away from processed foods. A little Cabaryl on your food isn’t going to kill you but the diet coke and peanut butter cups may
HAVE A NAME AT AUCTION OR FOR SALE? Let me help you get more bidders and more views to your domain. If you have a domain at auction email me as I may be able to help you get more people to take at look at your sale. Also Now Taking Names for this FRIDAY’s DomainShane Book of 10. 10 Names that will be showcased here and on the top of Domaining.com every Friday. contact me for price and availability.