Mind and Machines duped you all. They got exactly what they wanted with every blogger calling them out. I wouldn’t really even know who Mind and Machines is if it wasn’t for all these “they are wrong” posts. Sometimes we bloggers are like putty in the hands of people that want attention. I was always told that if your kid eats squirrel poop to get your attention, you should ignore her because acknowledging it only gives them the attention they were striving for. And if you give them that attention they will do it again, and if you don’t they won’t. You can tell I just made up the squirrel poop thing because really, has anyone ever seen squirrel poop? … Here are today’s names.
NDHN.com A great LLLL.com on it’s own but the price is where it’s at because it’s a PR5
BigShovel.com I like it but that’s because I use a shovel every day. No bidders
DoingStuffWithKids.com Can’t believe this one has bids. PedoBear must be bidding
PersianRugs.com The price has gotten to the point that you have to be a verified bidder to participate. Quick tip. If you want to get verified for an auction ending soon you can ask for a quick verification. Just let them know you want to buy a domain that is ending soon and they should speed up the process. If you wanted to bid on this one and are not verified you’ll need to do exactly that
KVIS.com You don’t see a lot of domains that are 23 years old come up for sale very often
BuyerSeller.com Love this one. 1996 domains. Cars, real estate, domains, cat dung. Any company that buys and sells products should want it
IDMD.com 17 year old LLLL.com. Perfect for doctors named Ignacio Derecho or anyone else that wants to own a very liquid, aged, LLLL.com
ParkCityUtah.com I don’t ski but don’t let that effect your feelings about the value
Chastise.com I’ve been accused many times of chastising people. It’s not that I think I’m better than them. It’s more that I don’t want them to think they are better than they really are.
1X.org People love these super short names. Don’t see many two character dot orgs for sale very often
9614.com Surprised how high this one is already. Who was it that called a top on the NNNN.coms? Never call a top on a domain name.
CasualPoker.com Not hard core poker but casual poker. Name will make people feel at ease as they lose all their money
Facejob.com This sold for a bunch of money back in the day. Last year if I remember correctly. My back in the day is a little less back
CrapNews.com Memorable and that’s the name of the game. Describes all network news
AMinus.com Great but not an A
CoinCrazy.com Bitcoin, coin collectors.
Foko.com Mine. Another double O CVCV.com You could see I like them and have tons of them. As I said before, selling off a few to buy a big boy domain. Or my wife a new diamond. Probably a domain
Bagshot.com A village in England. You get over a million results in Google for bagshot
MobileBillboard.com I see these trucks driving all over town
Boar.com Talked about it in an earlier list. Great name and if you don’t like it because it doesn’t pass the radio test you can buy all the other spelling and protect yourself
Let me help you get more bidders and more views to your domain. In addition to this list I also promote a list called DomainShane’s Book of 10. A list of 10 featured domains that is put out every Thursday on this site and at the top of Domaining.com. If you are interested in having a name listed please contact me for price and availability. 4 spots left for This Thursday