Domain Spotlight:

The Independence Day Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 7-4-12

For all those in the United States, Happy Fourth of July.  For those elsewhere, Happy Wednesday or whatever day it is where you’re at.  Yesterday was a very happy and sad day for me. My younger brother (not by much) announced his wife is pregnant.  A 5 year journey that has finally gone from tears of joy to tears of happiness.  And I found out first on Facebook.  At first I was disappointed that I didn’t get a call but then I realized this is most likely the future.  Rather than call each and every person its just so much easier to post for all to see.  It’s the new personal.  Now on to today’s names I’ve been eyeing this one for quite a while. Looks like it’s going to go for over $1000. A pipe dream was originally a dream you have while smoking opium. Ironically I quit opium for the summer. Probably no value but sounds like a fun build out 18 year old domain that is drawing a lot of attention  Have to be a little careful on this one as their are a few products and companies with this name.  No bidders  Hopefully you are noticing that the Chinese have become a huge part of the domain aftermarket  A very popular Chinese name.  Good investment IMO IMO worth WAY more than $27  One more Chinese Name  If you build apps this would be a fantastic domain to own.  The plural is a bit better though

Limited Time Offer: $2.50 domain names at!

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “The Independence Day Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 7-4-12”

  1. *

    Thanks, Shane.

    Got one. Now let’s hope the thing doesn’t get redeemed (if it does, no biggie).


    OFF TOPIC: I picked up a lovely/killer .cc domain this week and will email you about it after the holiday. (I read that .cc article you wrote, and I agree that this could be a sleeper.)

    Meanwhile, Happy 4th of July!


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