Domain Spotlight:

The Worst Domain Registrations of the Day:

Finding bad domains is like shooting fish in a barrel.  Here is today’s list.  Let me know if you enjoy these and I’ll keep doing them. Alex thinks he saved $16 by putting all three of his domain into one.  The ironic part is his finger and mental strength exercises are finished if you are able to remember and type out the domain. If you think waterboarding is scary then obviously you’ve never experienced the Army Butt Ickle. Business Related Book Sex Change?  You know the old saying “You can’t learn to ride a bicycle by reading a business book on sex changes” It’s actually a very pretty domain.  I would simply print the domain out in a very large font and let the new students drive in and out of the letters like cones. I bet I do Because it’s not enough to squat on only one company in a domain

And the Register of the day…. I didn’t make this up.  This is a registered domain  Can’t wait to see if he figures it out.

Domain Spotlight:

6 Replies to “The Worst Domain Registrations of the Day:”

  1. Seriously Shane, please don’t ever stop posting these. They crack my junk up and make me laugh out loud at work. “” made me pee my pants a little… Oh sweet…just noticed “” is available!

  2. Great list of names, this kid of posts needs to be continued! 🙂

    Actually I made the similar mistake once I registered my first domain name ever. Tried to get as many keywords as possible and then I had to use copy/paste each time I had to use that name. 😀 But the good thing was that I established profitable site and luckily flipped it for $8 800

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