Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Big List of Domains at Auction and Dropping from Around the Net 1/19/12

Out of town today but found a little time to peruse the list.  The beauty of the auctions and drops is no matter what your schedule is they keep going with or without you.   Here are today’s finds.  Great keywords, even better CPC  Not many going to agree with me but the perfect name for selling scissors.  Rock Paper and all you need are scissors  One of the best of the LLLL.coms on today’s lists  Any insurance and state domain will sell well  This one is even better  I’m all for investing in Chinese cities I now a guy that does pretty well with a site that is similar to this one.


Sorry for the small, crappy list today.  Tough day and late night.  I’ll do better tomorrow I promise



Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Thursday’s Big List of Domains at Auction and Dropping from Around the Net 1/19/12”

  1. You do well with the blog. You got a lot going on as an small business owner/entrepreneur (which you do with this as well).

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