Domain Spotlight:

Listed below are updates on the top ten domain sales from a year ago this week, as ranked by DN Journal.

1. for $160,000

You get what you would expect at this site, after accepting the terms as shown below. The owner is under privacy protection, and the site has an Alexa rank near 9 million.
2. for $150,000

No site resolves, and the owner is under privacy protection.

3. for $120,000

Although this owner is under privacy protection, it’s pretty safe to assume it was the same buyer for both and This one has an Alexa rank near 18 million.


4. for $77,000

The domain has a Brand Bucket page live, with an asking price of $330,000.

5. for $21,000

Per, there are about 3,650 people in the US with the name Joe Johnson, but only one of those can have the domain. Per his Twitter page, this Joe is an “Entrepreneur. Investor. Startup Expert. Owner/ CEO of GoodField Investments ( Love Jesus, my wife, our 6 kids, salt life, BBQ, Brazil soccer…”


6. for $20,000

This is the traffic leader for the week by a long shot, with its Alexa rank near 50,000. “We are pleased to announce that Global Poker is the first social poker site that offers a safe and secure cash out of winnings to players in the US. We are a leading poker site that offers a unique Sweepstakes model which has been approved by high profile companies such as Facebook and PayPal. These companies have conducted their own due diligence on our $weepstakes Model. “


6. for $20,000

This site promotes itself as “Your free email service in Peru”.

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8. for $15,000

An Italian-language ‘under development’ page is live.

8. for $15,000

The domain was acquired by ‘Supercanal SA’, which is a cable TV, phone and internet provider in Argentina, and the website focuses on the cable TV side of their business. The site has an Alexa rank near 4.3 million.

MIO tv

10. for $12,010

No site resolves, and the owner is under privacy protection.

Domain Spotlight: