Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping 2-15-12

There are two different approaches to running your business.  One is to keep a keen eye on your competitors and make sure that you’re always staying one step ahead.  The other is to keep with your plan and don’t worry about what the others are doing.  When it comes to auctions I use both methods.  I’ve compiled a list of the top bidders at namejet and who they are.  I then take that list and do nothing with it, instead bidding only to the amount I set before the auction started.  Only the advice of a few friends can change my bidding.  Now that you have my secrets, let’s get to the names.  Big business and one of the first thing search engine marketers will tell you is have a solid keyword domain. Lets see if they put their money where their mouth is.   Everything on the net needs to be fresh and their nothing fresher than live prices.  I’ve been trying to get out of this for years.  1996 Birthday  1999 Birthday and much more affordable name for an unsigned talent site.  From when reciprocals were commonplace and Google didn’t mind.  Gets 20 visits or so a day  I’m not touching this with a ten foot pole but I know a lot of you have 11 foot poles.  Short and probably expensive  People are getting old.  Sell leads to people that want to keep them alive   Solar has cooled off a little lately but even if you’re no good at it this domain sounds like you know what you’re doing.  Sounds like a start up already  Not going to be cheap.  This is one of those names you want to put your hat into the ring at every dropcatcher.  Or you frontrun them.  Again, another day with lots of dot nets but this name is a heck of a name  despite being a dot net  I thought this one may slip by but there are 40 bidders already so I guess not.  Wicker is back baby!  OK maybe not but I bought some for my patio so maybe wicker is just in my back yard.


Domain Spotlight: