Domain Spotlight:

You Know What I Liked About Webfest? The Douchebags Stay Home

No. I am not saying anyone who can’t make it to a conference is a douchebag.  I’m saying that all the guys that comment on the blogs with the smart ass, derogatory, insulting, insane, incoherent, statements, don’t show up at conferences.  The negative, criticizing everything that is not as they expect people, aren’t there.  The guys pushing their terrible names didn’t buy a ticket. The creeping tiger hidden dragons weren’t present to try and give me a sense of the person behind the randomness of their words.  What was there were REAL people who had real names with real companies.  They spoke real words that had to be backed with consequence of the action. In short, it was a group of professionals ( for the most part) ready to make some money, have some fun, and learn from those that already are, the exact contrast to the Internet.

Ninety nine percent of the BS that we put up with on the Internet will never make it to a live event.  It will backed with bullshit reasoning about they have nothing to learn, or its a waste of money.  Yet almost everyone at these conferences make a living in the domain business.  Many of them are at the top of the domain investor pyramid.  Frank Schilling made it.  I guarantee he has a lot less to learn than most of us.  He has talented people there to take care of business but felt it necessary to come.  He doesn’t need to be there….but he is.  Because he’s not an ass.  He’s a positive professional that realizes that nothing replaces a conversation in person where you can see their eyes, their reaction, with all the walls down.

It was great to be in an environment of successful people.  Most are looking for even more success but didn’t criticize those that had yet to reach their level. Nobody called people names, criticized actions, or pushed shitty ass names at every turn of the corner.

So all you new people to the industry, PLEASE don’t read these blogs and comments and think this is the real industry. Go to TRAFFIC, to Webfest.  You’ll see a real industry with very successful people making money in hundreds of different ways.  It’s expensive to go to these conferences.  But business takes real investment. You’re going to have to spend a little money if you want the attention and information from the real domain investors.  You can shake the hand of someone you’ve read about and respect and tell them it’s a pleasure to meet them.  On the Internet you show respect to someone and it will be full of a combination of those that a agree and others that call you a kiss ass and lackey.  At a conference it will be met with a “thank you” from that person, usually followed by a nice short conversation.  That same Internet that we make are living is full of great people and douchebags. Conferences do a great job of filtering out the douchebags.

Domain Spotlight:

14 Replies to “You Know What I Liked About Webfest? The Douchebags Stay Home”

  1. Keep on Keepin it real, Shane. That’s why I come to your blog. Oh, and maybe for some names too, but the reads are better- especially the ones not domaining related.


  2. I look forward to meeting you in person at one of these events. We can do vinegar and water shots and talk domains, lol…

  3. Ure such a douche

    Most of your posts are complete egotistical nonsense. I rarely read ure crap anymore

    Perhaps only thing I’ve agreed with you on is yesterday’s post about Andrew

    Next show ill say it to ure face bro

  4. @Mr Anon, @MarkH @Shane

    I will try to make it Vegas event hopefully not sure yet, and trust me, I will buy you guys

    Not Vinegar.

    But Tequilla Shots! Yes Sir!

  5. Interesting topic. I have been attending conferences since the days when the late legend Cory Rudl was the keynote speaker. Now, I just attend three. I go to the Affiliate Summit, New Media Expo (formally Blog World) and PubCon. I enjoy these and they are usually held in Las Vegas. Vegas conferences are awesome! At these conferences, I usually close thousands of dollars in deals, and make some good connections! One very important note though Shane, of all the successful and motivated people that are at these conferences, there are thousands and thousands of others that we never hear about that are making a killing online but never bother to go to a show. Its all about taking action!

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