Domain Spotlight:

10 Signs You May Not Being Heading Towards Domain Investing Profits

Domain investing is tough but to guide you toward the end goal of making money I have come up with a few signs that you be headed in the wrong direction.

1.  Your marketing strategy is a plan based on the thoughts of Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Furry Tiger)

2.  You check through your portfolio and realize you have a little too much emphasis in movie domains related to a sequel to Titanic

3.  You can’t buy any domains because you are still waiting on payment from Rick Latona for a domain you sold at the 2010 TRAFFIC main event auction.  And he has your watch

4.  You signed a 10 year exclusive contract to have Chef Patrick broker your domains

5.  You’ve put all your money into a Joint Venture with Uzoma on his featured projects and

6.  DomainSponsor gave you an advance on your domain parking but decided not to send it to you because they would have more money tied up in a stamp than on your advance

7.  You quit your job to specialize in the brokering of new tld domain names

8.  You send your domain portfolio to me, Elliot, and Berkens and ask if we can sell any of them for you

9.  You traded in your car for a piece of the action with Frager on

10.  You have a new business model of capturing leaked traffic from the .pw domains by registering thousands of domains

Domain Spotlight:

8 Replies to “10 Signs You May Not Being Heading Towards Domain Investing Profits”

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    Gratefully, Jeff Schneidere (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
    By jeff schneider

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