Domain Spotlight:

This time next week many of us will be at DomainFest   Not much talk about the show this year.   We’ll see how that translates but Oversee has been less than outgoing with the promotion.  I don’t think they’ve even announced the winner to their little fantasy domaining contest.  I’m going because of the people that are going, not for the seminars anyway.  18 years old.  Like the co at the end.  You sell steel bars?  No? Sell it to the people that do  17 year old domain with solid letters.  One more year and she’s legal  The asbestos removal business is a HUGE business My name.  I can’t sell through Amazon after they dropped Illinois people so I’m selling the name. 1999 Birthday  One of my favorite names in the last month.  I wouldn’t put it up if it didn’t already have so many bidders. and  These are both my names. I went through this scarf obsession.  I bought up every scarf name I saw and had this big plan of having a scarf store.  Like many of my winter clothes dreams, it never came through.  I won’t even tell you about my leg warmer obsession in the 80s.  Time to kill as this Facebook positivity.  Popular painting. Namejet will obviously go after this one as well.  Love the name, so so on the dot net   Sexy name but won’t go cheap



Domain Spotlight: