Domain Spotlight:

8 Stupid Domaining Things I’ve Done in the Last Month

I make mistakes every day. As many decisions and actions as I make a day it’s inevitable that I’m going to make a few. I don’t think my percentage of success to failure is any worse than anyone else it’s merely that as an owner of two businesses and the constant decisions I have to make both prepared and on the fly, lend itself to more opportunities for error. Here are a few I’ve made over the last few months

1. Hand Registered SFSDAEWG.COM. Yup, typed it in and paid for it. Here’s the short version of the story. I was testing to see if a Godaddy Coupon for $5.99 worked (it did) but I forgot to erase it from my cart. Came in a week later and renewed 30 or so domains and missed it. Now I am the proud new owner of a shitty domain………..and yet it’s still better than many of the domains I get asked to buy each day

2. Forgot to change my owner contact info on a domain I bought 5 years ago. Not a big deal except that I had just sold it. I don’t really have that many domains but I still forget to change my contacts occasionally. Sold the domain, went to send the auth code to my email and yep, not my email. Fortunately Godaddy can unlock the domains for you under special circumstances and 24 hours after I changed the contacts it was OK to transfer

3. Sold a name at Buy It Now and didn’t own it anymore. It was an email I loved getting from Sedo. “You’ve sold a name at Buy It Now” Only problem I had long since sold it. It was less than what I sold it for but I was more embarrassed than anything. It reminded me that I had a bunch of names still listed at Sedo that I don’t even own. I moved my name to Internet Traffic and forgot I had to manually go back and change all my names.

4. Shared some things with an Internet friend that in hind site I shouldn’t. Not really any thing that will come back to haunt me but I get to talking and talking about others, and end up sharing some opinions that are better off not shared. After recently having two people threaten to share our email exchanges, it reminds me that when I speak to people, both through email or in person, I should not say anything that I wouldn’t the whole world to see. Again, most likely nothing will come of it and if it did it wouldn’t be that big of a deal but I know better.

5. Forgot to post a daily domain list that I had written, TWICE. I spent two hours writing each list and then forgot to post it. I was busy each day and then at the end of the day I noticed traffic was down a little bit. Why? because I didn’t set the timer on the post. By the time I noticed the Godaddy auctions were over and the Namejet list had closed. The post is time sensitive and therefore no good the next day. I did this a second time but fortunately got it up before Namejet closed.

6. I messed with Crazy. I got into a couple war of words with two people that were better left alone. I truly felt I came out on the good end and received countless emails telling me how much they enjoy the zingers but it I still should have let it go. I need to find better things to do on Friday or Saturday nights.

7. Paid for a domain with a Paypal balance. It’s a HUGE no no. I was burned on DnForum a year or so ago by using a Paypal balance and I promised never to let it happen again. You have no way to get your money back if you use your balance so I always use a credit card or The default is my credit card but I have a decent balance from selling some domains lately and have been in the habit of paying things out of balance. It was only $500 (“only” is relative I know) and I kind of knew the seller but I know much better than this and yet my hasty, late night, gotta get it done, actions could have burned me.

8. Didn’t pull the trigger on a few domains I really wanted. Usually it goes the other way. I overpay for domains I want because I get caught up in an auction but there were two domains that I wish I had purchased last month. They both ended at the next bid after my highest bid. I should have pushed it more but I was away from a computer, as I often am at closing time, so I lost out and I would have gladly paid 20% more

Domain Spotlight:

16 Replies to “8 Stupid Domaining Things I’ve Done in the Last Month”

  1. *

    I think you need to get some good sleep.


    Recently, I did a Namejet no-no; I meant to watch an auction and mistakenly placed the highest bid for OurAnswer [dot] com, which I didn’t really want, but ended up with anyway.

    Don’t be so hard on yourself.

    Carp happens, and I think it happens to help us a bit humble.


  2. Very insightful post. I wish people who own domain blogs would be half as honest as you seem to be on your blog here. Good luck with your domain sales in the near future.

  3. Point 7 – offers free escrow for sales under $500 for 3 months (you don’t read and now under $1,000

    So you are no longer any excuse to be scammed on small domain sales?

  4. Yeah, #3 is not really your fault. Even if you delete a name on Sedo, it still stays there with maybe a little trash object next to it. They should have an auto software to detect name changes, that’s if they wanted to.

    Good post. You however, forgot the most stupid thing you’ve done, Shane, let’s say your number 9? Asking me not to use my first amendment right on blogs. That one takes the cake, pal.

  5. *


    Your 1st Amendment rights end at Shane’s doorstep.

    His blog is private property, and he has the right to kick your a$$ out if you don’t behave in *his* home. And it’s up to him to decide where that line is.

    Hell, he could decide that this comment is out of line, and he would be well within his rights to delete this.

    Everyone seems to believe that the 1st Amendment is absolute, but it is not.

    It’s more nuanced than that.


  6. Ms Domainer,

    You are partially right. First of all, Shane wasn’t just referring to his blog (say the Mall, his private property), he was referring to other blogs as well (the city, if you will), perhaps even, the entire internet (analogous to the USA).

    But let’s take his blog for example, As you correctly stated, there are no absolutes, therefore in your little example about his duty to throw me out, there are exceptions to that to. For instance:

    “In 1968, at the height of the liberal Warren Court, the rule in Marsh was extended in Logan Valley to protect expressive activity in the parking lot of a shopping center. The Court reasoned that shopping centers today function much like the downtown business districts of previous eras. Today, many people never visits central business districts and if they are to be reached at all, it is only in the suburban shopping complex.

    In 1976, in Hudgens v NLRB, the Court reversed course and overruled Logan Valley. The Court noted that in a case decided in 1972 it had limited Logan Valley to speech that related in some way to one of the businesses in a shopping center, ruling in 1972 that there was no First Amendment right to engage in anti-war leafletting at a large suburban mall. The Court concluded that the rationale of Logan Valley had been rejected in 1972, and now it was time to bury Logan Valley altogether. The Court indicated, however, that the company-town situation of Marsh remains one in which it will protect expressive activities even though they take place on private property.

    Hudgens has not been the end of the story. Several state supreme courts have concluded that the free speech protections of their own state constitutions protect the right of citizens to engage in expressive activities in the public areas of shopping centers. Most notable, perhaps, is the California Supreme Court’s Pruneyard decision. The Court found constitutional protection for high school students who were soliciting signatures at a 65-store mall opposing a U. N. resolution on “Zionism.” The shopping center owner took the case to the U. S. Supreme Court in 1980, arguing that the California Supreme Court’s decision amounted either to a violation of his First Amendment rights or a taking of his private property. The U. S. Supreme Court unanimously rejected both arguments”.


  7. From most of what I have read on forums and blogs, the blog owner in this case Shane “owns” any content tht anyone posts on his blog and that he can censor, edit, delete or ban any users at anytime he wants.

  8. BillW,

    Hello. Here’s shane’s actual quote,

    “You need to look up the definition of commodity. Second,if you hate this industry so much why do you continuously come to talk about it and comment on all the blogs?”,

    Go read it, as you can see, he was referring to ALL the blogs, not just his little blog here. It’s one thing to speak for one’s blog, and it’s another to speak all the blogs. The latter’s infringement of my first amendment right.

    1. Uzoma,

      I have the right to close off your comments and soon will be if you don’t relax. You say whatever you want on the Internet but I control what is allowed here

  9. Shane – you need a button to that we can ignore people. Ignorant, aggressive posters are a real turn-off.

  10. Shane,

    There’s a better way. If you don’t respect my posts, and freedom to do so, we can agree that I post no more on your blog.

  11. Regarding Sedo, delete all your domains, then add your new clean sales list.

    This might not work for you if you are counting traffic and offers, doing parking, but if you don’t care about that then is a faster way then trying to delete one by one, which frankly is just a ridiculous amount of work.

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