Domain Spotlight:

Sunday’s Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 7-29-12

The list is a little shorter than normal but it IS Sunday.  Month is almost over and it’s been a pretty good month for domains.  I traded in 15 names sold for 2 names bought and looking to sell one in the next couple weeks.  It’s been my strategy lately.  Sell all the average name and trade up for $10,000 names.  I’ll let you know how it works.  So far I’ve only bought, not sold,  and buying is the easy part.  Would make a nice name to sell brandable domains. Gets 1800 visits a month and is 15 years old  I think the fact it makes no sense is what makes it great.  People would remember this 16 year old domain.  One bidder Can add this to glow buttons that you had the other day. Kids love stuff that glow. And college students on ecstasy  Another nice brand.  16 years old.  I wouldn’t exactly call this generic either.  15 years old  No bids here.  Now this is pretty darn generic  You know I think online book names are a very good investment  Some health care plans are no offering these.  Health care is a mess but this domain has real value.  No bidders. probably because of the s  Could be a typo for the newspaper but also a good name for an Orlando business  The Google ads on the right prove this has value. No bidder Doing a little research on Namebio says these are going for $400 plus regularly Surprised this 10 year old domain only has one bidder  If you’re gonna bet you might as well do it fast   I thought one of you may want this for $69. Only crickets, no bidders  Highest amount of bids on the board Perfect domain for that stuttering farmer  Anything debt reduction related has some value   Anything erection related has some value Deal of the Week! – $4.95 .COM! Offer expires 7/31/12.

Domain Spotlight:

5 Replies to “Sunday’s Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 7-29-12”

  1. The dog to fetch a cold beer, and the drink maker to mix a strong one? Wait, isn’t that what a wife is for?

  2. fyi – the domain available at namejet is singular “custommagnet”, not plural “custommagnets”, which drops the value by about half.

    1. Spike and Mike,

      You guys are both right. I am an idiot. Did that late WAAAAAYYY too late after going out last night. Just got back from a 45 mile bike and then 3 mile run. Getting punished all the way around this morning.

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