Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Domains Dropping Today

Not very many good generic keyword domains so I had to branch into page ranked drops and other “style” of domains.  I’ve been in too much of a hurry lately when doing these lists.  I’ve missed the fact that a few were on the wish lists and had been renewed with a few days left.  I won’t make that mistake again, at least they won’t be when I type these out.  Thanks for the understanding and hope at least one person is getting something out of the lists beside me.  Now onto the names One of those 4L names that generic investors could care less about and 4 letter people love.  A slight problem on the radio test but I think up to 1K would be a good buy Despite what the HBO people tell you this is actually a type of singer The name doesn’t stand out but the REAL PR 5 does.  Will pay for itself if you know how to use it. See above A typo of which is one of the most visited sites on the net.  I would image it’s 3-5K visits a month Your customers would certainly know what you sell and it’s easy to remember

Domain Spotlight: