Domain Spotlight:

DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Sunday December 7th

Here are today’s names.

A little late out of the gates again today.  Yesterday was Christmas Open House at the nursery and I was exhausted from lifting and loading trees all day.  I hear that all the exercise and working outside will keep my young and healthy but my body didn’t get the memo yet.  Maybe I can run it off .  Enjoy the weekend.    Here are today’s names. 17 years old and quite a few uses.   I think real estate at first glance  British version of Henry  One of my favorite LLLL.coms this week.  Not because of the DN but because the letters are some of the best acronym letters.  8 million results for static mats on Google.  No bidders on GD  Getting lots of love.  These 5N.coms are flying right now  People, places, and things.  Not going to be cheap though.  Getting a high price  I like the name but the owner loves it a lot more than I do.  Maybe you like it more


Finally a NEW Domain Code of the day. 39% OFF YOUR ORDER gd41124a  18 years old.  Even LL Bean has a line of Maine quilts so Maine must be kind of known for them.  Other than the fact there are hardly any floor brokers left in the world this is a good name  Sounds like a tech name.  17 years old  All smoking names are now Marijuana names.  And Marijuana is hot right now.  next up all coin names are no bitcoin names  No bidders.  15 years old.  Not a bad name for $69.  More a buildout though Surprised no bidders here.  Auto reading your text and computer stuff back to you seems like a need…especially while driving  No bidders but has a reserve.  Evidently not as good as the owner thought it would be.  I still like it.   No bidders.  Their loss  The Chinese market loves these   If you want to make money, take it on the road   Can’t lock it fast enough

For more great names make sure to check out



Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct


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