Domain Spotlight:

Below is another look at a few recent domain flips and flops, with recent data courtesy of DN Journal and historical data from NameBio.


  • – Sold recently for $40,000 via MostWantedDomains, vs only $1,052 back in 2011 on Sedo. That’s what the NameBio data says, but there is more to the story, and the return was probably much greater than 40x.

Based on a thread at NamePros, “This domain sold in 2010 by Jim Holleran for $1,052 on Sedo, then the Chinese registrant who bought looks to have sold to a Tim Schoon out of Holland who then flipped to James Black who dropped the name and picked up by Michael Berkens” Back in 2010, the domain also had a premium $1,000 annual renewal……..this premium renewal was eliminated when the domain was dropped, so it became more valuable.

  • – Sold recently for $19,000 on Sedo, vs $3,500 in 2011 at Sedo. The placeholder that is live (below) has been live for awhile, and I expect something new will be up soon. Picked up Clay Collins of Minneosota, and he appears to like related domains, as he owns,,, and more.



  • – Sold recently for $2,750 at Sedo, vs $2,960 only a few months earlier at GoDaddy. The seller appears to have picked it up, then rolled the dice with a Sedo auction……..and the dice didn’t roll in their favor. Assuming 15% commissions, that’s a 20% loss (~ $600) in a few months. Picked up by an individual in New York that has a bunch of drone names, including the developed

Note: I didn’t do an exhaustive search of the ownership history of each domain. There are likely cases where there were multiple owners between the sales prices I list.

You can find past Flips and Flops posts here.

Domain Spotlight:

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