Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Daily Dropping Names and Auctions

I’ve discovered this amazing way that has jettisoned me up to the top of Google for 50 or so keywords.  It’s a method that I’ve been working on for a few years and I think I have it down.   Many people have tried it but don’t seem to have the same success.  They use the method but then it seems to fail.  I call my new method the Super Bullet,  Money Maker,  Lady Shaker System.  And here it is.  I frickin write new original content every day.  I am consistent with my writing and give visitors that come here a reason to come back.  It may not be the best but within all the daily writings there is some good stuff in there.  You want success with Google?  Keep at it.  Keep putting up fresh content.  Pick a subject and devote the site to it.  I can guarantee you will rise to the top in time.  And if that doesn’t work.  Get a shitload of education links.  That’s my second trick. Now onto the names. I am going to go out on a limb and say this breaks $1000 I could guarantee this one would as well but since it’s already at $1000 that would be cheating.  Fantastic name and could see mid $XXXX

An:) Replace the smiley face with an A and you’ll find a name that deserves a guide.  I am going to leave it alone but from what I read on the net this is a guide they are starting to give out in High School. I don’t like the name but it would make a hell of a great band name. I think you’ll have to fight Fusible for this one  (and maybe me) 27,000 searches  $1.84 CPC First it’s native plants next it’s native food.

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Wednesday’s Daily Dropping Names and Auctions”

  1. I’m living testimony to what you’re preaching. I come back every day because of your writing style and wit, and I’m not a domainer. Happy Thanksgiving Shane, keep up the writing!

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