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I Am Thankful Everyday Not Just Today

When I speak of my thankfulness it may come across as bragging and even at times mean spirited. The reason? It bothers me that the only time I see or hear from many of my friends and family is during holidays, weddings, and funerals.

I tend to give this speech a lot at weddings and at church. Why does someone have to die or get married for us to get together? Sure, Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks but I’ve always felt you should show your thanks every day. I try and give “thank you” to people as they deserve it, in present time. Like most people, I forget sometimes, but I really do try. The other day I bought some people at the tv station loaves of apple pumpkin bread to say thank you for helping me on a story. They
were completely caught off guard. That little thank you made their day. That little gift, that little thought,meant something special. It shouldn’t have been a big deal but
nobody just gives gifts just to be nice anymore. It wasn’t a special day set aside to
give thanks, it was just a normal day.

Again, I’m not mister thoughtful. I don’t give as many “good job” to my employees as I should but I do tell everyone how much I appreciate what they do for me or how much they mean to me. I tell my wife and daughter how much I love them every single day and they know I mean it each time. All this and yet we don’t do up the birthdays and holidays. We don’t because we enjoy life enough that birthdays and holidays aren’t quite as special. Sure, we do something nice and take it easy but you’re not going to find many presents under the tree. We have almost everything we could ever want, to buy even more would be wasteful. We find
time to go skiing with 4 other families every year. My Mom aka Gram, takes one grandkid each year and they camp the far west for 6 weeks with merely a car and a tent. The holidays don’t build the bonds that plain old spending time together can.

So I say this. Be thankful every day. See or call your family (the ones you like) as much as you can. Give little gifts that make others smile. Spend the holidays reflecting on the times you’ve had together and don’t let them be the ONLY time you’ve seen each other. Don’t wait for a forced holiday to do it. Sure today is day for reflection on all that you should be thankful for but all those people should already know it if you’ve done it right. And finally if someone does say “thanks” please don’t say “no problem”, simply say “you’re welcome”

Enjoy the day

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