Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Dropping Domain and Auctions

I’m in Portland Oregon for the week on business and I’m already exhausted.  We got an unexpected snowstorm this past weekend and of course I decided to start plowing snow this year.  Wouldn’t you know the first snow we get is 10″ which for the people that live in Buffalo is a dusting but for Central Illinois is early and big.  I worked 17 hours straight and to make it worse I was dreaming of plowing snow all the next day as a tried to sleep. To top it all off, I sold a domain as I was plowing.  I almost made as much on the domain as I did for all the plowing and it was a hell of a lot easier work.  Now onto the names. I’ve probably watched too many Family Guy episodes because that’s what I think of when I see this name. A great electric car domain.  Someday we’re going to have those you know? You know I like numeric domains but I don’t usually buy dot net or dot org numbers but I do like this one. I’m not sure what the reserve is but a fantastic name due to the fact I have it every day A 1994 domain OK it’s not the greatest name in the world but I think it’s worth $300……..maybe If you don’t have a ton of money to spend this is the type of name you can’t go wrong with . Product domain with a dot net or dot org still present a good value

And the worst domain of the day is What the hell is a corded cordless phone?  It’s like a black and white color tv.

Domain Spotlight:

4 Replies to “Monday’s Daily Dropping Domain and Auctions”

  1. – might sound great but I don’t think the domain is of much value.

    One of the reason being, though it has been registered since 1994 …. but only in .com. All other extensions are available.

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