Domain Spotlight:

Listed below are updates on the top 10 domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal. Short domains dominate this week’s list, with only one domain longer than three characters, and this in turn negatively impacts the number of development examples below. Although many of the domains below are under privacy protection, based on the landing pages and state of the domain market a year ago, I’d guess that up to 8 of the 10 domains below are currently owned by Chinese individuals or companies.

1. sold for $694,095

No site resolves. This was a big sale through the NameJet platform.

2. sold for $150,000

The domain redirects to, and you can see a screenshot below. Per Google Translate, “Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Assets Exchange Co., Ltd. ( “Qianhai Exchange”) is the first professional financial service platform settled in Qianhai. It is also the only financial asset exchange approved by the State Council in South China.


3. sold for $65,000

This domain is a shortener for Chinese and English language versions of the site are available, and they describe themselves as follows, “CrabxLab is an innovation-driven enterprise that was founded in early 2014. The initial team has international backgrounds and experience in the technology R&D and design management. We are passionate at great technology & design, and we develop products and companies that have highly business values, and grow strong innovative teams.”


4. sold for $64,000

The domain redirects to, which is owned by The Foundation For A Better Life.“The Foundation for a Better Life creates public service campaigns to communicate the values that make a difference in our communities. These uplifting messages, utilizing television, movie theaters, billboards, radio and the internet, model the benefits of a life lived by positive values. We believe people are basically good but sometimes just need a reminder. We also believe that the positive values we live by are worth more when we pass them on.” The organization has a couple trademarks for the phrase ‘Pass It On’, which they filed way back in the year 2000. They have run a series of television and radio commercials anchored by the phrase.


5. sold for $56,000

No site resolves.

6. sold for $41,451

A Chinese-language inquiry page is live.

7. sold for $40,000

Domain is parked. The seller was Braden Pollock, who said he had picked up the domain for the very low 5-figures, which makes for a darn good return.

8. sold for $37,400

A Uniregistry for-sale page is live, and this one is owned by Sam Dennis’ company named Six Red Dice.

9. sold for $35,000

A simple Chinese-language lander on a WordPress site is live.

10. sold for $32,599

Domain is parked.

Domain Spotlight: