Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks:

Buenos Dias my friends.  It’s a holiday here in America for many but of course, not me.  I never get a day off.  Don’t let anyone fool you.  Owning a business is rewarding but not exactly fun. The buck always stops with you and nobody cares as much as you. Enough bitching, let’s get to some names. Here are the Memorial Day finds of the day. Love it.  I have a few shirts myself Written statement by a court, judicial officer, or legal expert as to the legality (or illegality) of an action, condition, or intent.  See how I made that seem all lawyerish I think I found my new email to hand out at the bars.  Just kidding, wife’s looking over my shoulder……….. She’s gone.  I’m not kidding. Then again maybe I’m not going to the bars anymore Pretty good deal at this price. Google the term and you’ll see you could do well with this one. I hope nobody bids on this one Hosting pays big CPC.  Comparison site in the making I would never buy this because I have never heard of a headphone only headphones.  Kind of like buying a sock.  You’re going to need two to do any good.  But I put it up anyway Online movies may catch on. If they do this one would be worth a lot.  They already have?  Then that explains the $4000 price already Name, place, company name.  A lot of uses here A typo lovers dream.  Maybe you can get it on and make the big money

Make sure to stop by Dropday if you are looking for more names

Domain Spotlight:

One Reply to “Monday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks:”

  1. Love your comments. Also, thanks for the tips – I have placed a bid on a domain you found.

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