Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Domain Auction and Drop Picks

Man the month went quickly.  I can’t believe July has almost come and gone.   I picked up another plant domain last week with and a domain that I just liked,   Ziplet was very cheap but fits my “sounds like an app” strategy that has served me will.  Category killer?  Not yet.  Enjoy today’s names. Another one of those that is certainly a generic but nobody really calls it baseball gear.  And people don’t search for an entire group.  Still a very nice domain Not a huge fan of Florida but I make a big exception for South Beach A name that people will remember but not an actual product. Not very many bidders so should go for a low price I’ll give you a helpful hint.  You will NEVER use your whirlpool tub.  And you need a second water heater to fill it but not a big deal because…you will NEVER use your whirlpool tub I just like it.  Maybe because I like money.  You can probably have it for $69.  2004 Birthday 188 bidders for this CVCV .  And to think.  It dropped in 2006 I should buy this one as my main domain to sell all my exotic fruit domains I see people with all these bad names and then I see this with no bidders and wonder how they bought those and passed on something like this I don’t know why but all I see is bandwidth use when I see this name

Domain Spotlight: