Domain Spotlight:


A comprehensive look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the auction list posted on January 5, 2018.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

AdClear.comEnded with bids$275.0012
AdsMadeSimple.comEnded with bids$150.006
b2b80.comEnded with bids$17.002
BackPainControl.comEnded with bids$30.005
BedrockBars.comEnded with bids$35.005
Bitcoinque.comEnded with bids$60.0010
BodyBetter.comEnded with bids$234.0031
BPLW.comEnded with bids$1,125.0043
BrushfirePhotography.comEnded with bids$455.0021
bTunnel.comEnded with bids$592.00104
Buvet.comEnded with bids$53.0010
cai360.comEnded with bids$5,659.00133
CGMR.comEnded with bids$940.0062
CharitiesOnline.comEnded with bids$103.0016
CheapJerseySA.comEnded with bids$1,225.0027
CherokeeAntiqueRow.netEnded with bids$17.002
ChickyMania.comEnded with bids$96.0010
ChurchPlanning.comEnded with bids$32.005
CityOfMenominee.orgEnded with bids$510.0017
CloudsWeb.comEnded with bids$65.006
CoinIdeal.comEnded with bids$154.0013
Coinzon.comEnded with bids$417.0037
Corpgsm.comEnded with bids$72.006
CubeHealth.comEnded with bids$98.0015
CVFans.comEnded with bids$17.002
Depresyon.comEnded with bids$1,550.0088
DontBeAfraid.comEnded with bids$847.0065
DOY.ccEnded with bids$91.0019
EagleStrikeProductions.comEnded with bids$112.006
eTelecom.comEnded with bids$4,150.00101
FestivalExpress.comEnded with bids$355.0031
FileShield.comEnded with bids$304.0037
FileSonly.comEnded with bids$25.004
FVIT.comEnded with bids$260.0025
Ginameola.comEnded with bids$155.005
HDTalk.comEnded with bids$165.0015
HipSenior.comEnded with bids$105.006
HiTrekCycles.comEnded with bids$540.0074
hj021.comEnded with bids$23.004
Imapo.comEnded with bids$37.007
information4success.comEnded with bids$66.0012
Josephm.comEnded with bids$25.004
JoyAutos.comEnded with bids$20.003
k798.comEnded with bids$216.0036
KosherOrlando.comEnded with bids$205.0011
kTunnel.comEnded with bids$2,700.00123
Marcosgoiano.comEnded with bids$461.0055
Marriagecomission.comEnded with bids$80.008
Midaswebseo.comEnded with bids$75.0011
Monument-Paris.comEnded with bids$55.003
mradxz.comEnded with bids$27.005
NameShoppe.comEnded with bids$578.0060
Napbta.comEnded with bids$355.0036
nb8899.comEnded with bids$29.006
NewBabyNews.netEnded with bids$155.0021
NLCH.netEnded with bids$25.006
OatmanStables.comEnded with bids$85.007
PacificJunction.comEnded with bids$493.0038
PaleoDietPlan.comEnded with bids$160.0030
PandaPanda.comEnded with bids$622.0048
PascoFloridaKennelClub.orgEnded with bids$21.003
PetSareLikeFamily.orgEnded with bids$155.006
PolySolve.comEnded with bids$445.0025
PornBB.bizEnded with bids$52.009
Pova.orgEnded with bids$345.0023
Powernuc.comEnded with bids$10.001
ProductGeek.comEnded with bids$155.0017
Progettosei.comEnded with bids$10.001
Qaseo.comEnded with bids$21.004
QueenPerfect.comEnded with bids$10.001
ReefTemp.comEnded with bids$15.002
RideAgency.comEnded with bids$21.004
Shanhj.comEnded with bids$24.004
SoftVantage.comEnded with bids$38.007
SparrowPics.comEnded with bids$401.0060
StoryTreeAsia.comEnded with bids$15.002
SunBeach.netEnded with bids$125.0023
Supergrif.comEnded with bids$128.008
SwiftSense.comEnded with bids$82.0020
TahoeKeysMarina.netEnded with bids$85.0015
TankChair.comEnded with bids$510.0016
TechSpine.comEnded with bids$39.004
TheMusketeers.comEnded with bids$353.0058
ThreeClicks.comEnded with bids$544.0028
ThunderCycle.comEnded with bids$168.009
TreeHouseKitties.comEnded with bids$23.003
VAQM.comEnded with bids$165.0013
VenaCava.comEnded with bids$155.0021
VitaGliaNo.comEnded with bids$360.0039
Vocabula.comEnded with bids$780.0033
WavySauce.comEnded with bids$44.004
WDLC.netEnded with bids$34.006
WeddingEgoDirectory.comEnded with bids$45.003
WorldOilTools.comEnded with bids$75.004
WTMS.netEnded with bids$29.006
CryptoCurrencyWiki.comActive$20.00 *1
BigAndSexy.comEnded with bids$118.0013
KeysVacation.comEnded with bids$388.0045
IPOInvestors.comEnded with bids$90.0017
GotoLeads.comEnded with bids$37.006
Doorbell.orgEnded with bids$25.005
LilacMountain.comEnded with bids$19.003
SourceRoom.comEnded with bids$144.008
OwnTheName.comEnded with bids$540.0074
CopperJar.comEnded with bids$70.0014
PointBright.comEnded with bids$103.0019
BlockInvestGroup.comEnded with bids$34.006

Other Names at Auction  Yep that is the bid for this typo

At $10,000 with 2 days left


Top 10 Namejet sales for yesterday as listed on Namebio. $27,000 $3,948 $1,102 $1,001 $1,000 $729 $639 $598 $512 $509


Domain Spotlight: