Domain Spotlight:


A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on November 30, 2022.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

0422.comEnded with bids$10,250.00107
25993.comEnded with bids$125.0012
2CleanCutGuys.comEnded with bids$710.0018
48300.comEnded with bids$70.0012
AbbyPutinSki.comEnded with bids$610.0031
AllianceCreditUnion.orgEnded with bids$510.0017
AndreaReusing.comEnded with bids$255.0016
ArcadiaCatering.comEnded with bids$306.0036
ArrestBlair.orgEnded with bids$405.0041
Ask7.comEnded with bids$37.007
asru2021.orgEnded with bids$305.0015
astrologica.comEnded with bids$5,933.00112
aurorainc.comEnded with bids$762.00104
automartnv.comEnded with bids$695.0034
awesomegifs.comEnded with bids$1,500.0023
BabyOnTheHip.comEnded with bids$111.005
BangkokAtBeltline.comEnded with bids$251.0067
BeerCanHouse.orgEnded with bids$2,475.00 *147
BharAtStatus.comEnded with bids$1,325.0063
BookmakingBlog.comEnded with bids$610.0059
BoredFastFood.comEnded with bids$106.009
Cause.tvEnded with bids$206.0019
cce-review.orgEnded with bids$1,200.00 *34
ChampaignClinic.comEnded with bids$485.0041
ChargerHub.comEnded with bids$621.0060
chyh.comEnded with bids$227.0031
CineTux.comEnded with bids$597.0023
Club7Teen.comEnded with bids$280.0015
CorAsCoffee.comEnded with bids$1,525.00 *44
CurtainsMarket.comEnded with bids$510.0024
DareToRescue.comEnded with bids$355.0032
ddyybb.comEnded with bids$260.007
dqcapital.comEnded with bids$639.00100
drclairejack.comEnded with bids$370.0017
drdavidsova.comEnded with bids$265.0016
ecmhospital.comEnded with bids$680.0019
entrop.comEnded with bids$560.0071
GardenOfDelights.comEnded with bids$130.0022
GemCoins.comEnded with bids$300.0054
GetKit.comEnded with bids$1,337.0033
goldxmining.comEnded with bids$675.0030
GpsFarm.comEnded with bids$116.0012
GravityColors.comEnded with bids$306.0053
Green-Lipped-Mussel-Oil.comEnded with bids$22.004
GreensboroPartnership.comEnded with bids$315.009
GreetingCard.netEnded with bids$1,009.0098
gskin.comEnded with bids$597.0026
hellveticafont.comEnded with bids$1,125.0018
hg636.comEnded with bids$386.0083
hydrationbarllc.comEnded with bids$120.0016
ieltsgeneralreading.comEnded with bids$210.0037
InsaneCarAudio.comEnded with bids$440.0011
ItExpertVoice.comEnded with bids$2,313.0037
jp66.comEnded with bids$590.0090
Kats-Designs.comEnded with bids$70.0011
khmeread.comEnded with bids$388.0015
LakeAnna-Information.comEnded with bids$207.009
LashesTijuana.comEnded with bids$110.0014
litb.comEnded with bids$1,286.0049
littleiapps.comEnded with bids$1,324.00 *35
luminat.comEnded with bids$305.0029
mainstcafelewisville.comEnded with bids$761.0089
mairie-cubzaclesponts.comEnded with bids$105.0010
MannersChristmasTreeFarm.comEnded with bids$301.009
memo-x.comEnded with bids$3,860.00110
metamon.comEnded with bids$3,752.0062
MeWebHost.comEnded with bids$313.0029
michellebuteau.comEnded with bids$4,154.0046
mikayladawnphotography.comEnded with bids$65.009
nacmgs.orgEnded with bids$189.0025
obets.comEnded with bids$1,451.0058
ParentOlogy.comEnded with bids$15,250.0086
PeopleScience.comEnded with bids$10,101.00143
PhysiqueFormulaDiet.comEnded with bids$718.0020
PianoCheetah.comEnded with bids$384.005
PlumberDallas.comEnded with bids$357.0051
PlumberHouston.comEnded with bids$707.0030
PortlandChineseGarden.orgEnded with bids$3,600.00 *45
premamateria.comEnded with bids$520.0025
ProjectRunway.comEnded with bids$6,300.0070
RabiesChallengeFund.comEnded with bids$40.008
RabiesChallengeFund.orgEnded with bids$6,100.0047
RaceMart.comEnded with bids$556.0060
RecEtas-ItaliAnas.comEnded with bids$2,102.0087
reetbser.comEnded with bids$1,175.0092
RentLapel.comEnded with bids$255.0030
restaurantmiel.comEnded with bids$155.0023
RossIsPizzaMonona.comEnded with bids$120.0012
SalonCascabel.comEnded with bids$1,625.0061
SavorDallas.comEnded with bids$500.00 *15
Seafoods-Direct.comEnded with bids$35.003
sewardne.comEnded with bids$130.009
SlowLiving.comEnded with bids$3,697.0041
SmallTechNews.comEnded with bids$260.0023
SoleStruck.comEnded with bids$3,950.00 *68
spaineska.comEnded with bids$98.0017
SpanishLakesFlorida.comEnded with bids$170.007
StartPoppin.comEnded with bids$275.0019
sudox.comEnded with bids$1,476.0033
team-psa.comEnded with bids$172.0015
TenderTreasures.comEnded with bids$85.0010
TheDunDryInn.comEnded with bids$510.0042
TheIndustryLondon.comEnded with bids$228.0030
TheLocalOak.comEnded with bids$370.0072
TopHome.comEnded with bids$4,700.00142
TravisHeritageCenter.orgEnded with bids$1,100.0052
TrendPay.comEnded with bids$700.0043
TrueColoursPainting.comEnded with bids$264.0025
UnitedTrends.comEnded with bids$600.0063
vb135.comEnded with bids$45.007
VineyardCoinLaundry.comEnded with bids$50.008
VirtuAland.netEnded with bids$60.009
VitalSafe.comEnded with bids$670.0082
VrAuction.comEnded with bids$960.0015
WadeChiropractic.comEnded with bids$100.009
WashingtonUnitedForMarriage.orgEnded with bids$8,250.00153
Weddings--Guide.comEnded with bids$98.0011
wibson.orgEnded with bids$405.0017
WinDoes.comEnded with bids$261.0011
WiseDocs.comEnded with bids$4,700.0091
WitLee.comEnded with bids$205.007
WizardWonderland.comEnded with bids$93.009
wizcode.comEnded with bids$406.0021
xkuu.comEnded with bids$155.0015
xqbx.comEnded with bids$189.0025
YeatsSligoIreland.comEnded with bids$205.007
YourButler.comEnded with bids$1,293.0070
StayTime.comEnded with bids$275.0047
VirtualDamage.comEnded with bids$17.002
PowerCarb.comEnded with bids$29.006
FuelSport.comEnded with bids$442.0027
RedNeckRealEstate.comEnded with bids$510.003
Dash420.comEnded with bids$12.001
18Media.comEnded with bids$504.0080
MeMyselfAI.comEnded with bids$202.0039
Paw.ccEnded with bids$206.0027
2636.netEnded with bids$70.0015
TheRift.orgEnded with bids$15.002

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.

Other Names at Auction Only one bid at $1000. Gets 800 plus visits a day so paying just over a dollar per person. Ends today

$1,050 for $350 at press time 

At $300 with a day left Opening bid is substantial. But a great call to action name

At $5,250 with 3 days left Obviously a premium renewal but under $5K for this seems like a pretty good price

At $1,000 with 4 days left

Namejet Names at Auction $2,655 $2,160 $1,800 $1,055 $1,050 $625 $459 $278 $251 $199

Domain Spotlight: