Domain Spotlight:

The Best Bang For Your Buck in the Domain Industry: Containing Vowels by Oliver Holger


As many of you are aware, when China entered the industry in 2015, prices for short domains skyrocketed. Their interest was quite specific: Chinese-premium four-letter.coms – or ‘Chips’.


A little bit of information before we proceed; a Chip is composed exclusively of the following letters: Q, W, R, T, Y, P, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, Z, X, C, B, N, and M. As for western-premium letters, they are a combination comprised exclusively of the following letters: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,L,M,N,O,P,R,S, and T.


Now that we have defined Chinese and western-premium patterns, let’s examine what this means for the market as a whole, and more specifically, for LLLL.coms containing at least one vowel.


In the last 30 days, there have been 681 sales of LLLL.coms containing at least one vowel with an average sale price of $556. These include all single, double, triple, and quad-premium 4-letter.coms. In others words, each of these domains had at least 1 of the western-premium letters mentioned above but none of the domains consisted exclusively of consonant (chips).


To create a parallel, the previous 30 days have seen 223 sales of chip LLLL.coms with an average sale price of $1,525. This means that 4-letter. coms containing at least one vowel sell for, on average, around 2.75 times cheaper than their chip counterparts.


Another benefit of 4-letter.coms is that they are extremely liquid. You will never have an issue selling the domain if finances become tight. This can be a huge advantage when push comes to shove and you need to sell quickly.


In case you’re not sold yet, here is another pro: the overhead needed to enter into this niche market is quite low compared to other markets. In contrast, the previous three months have seen an average sale price of roughly $36,500 for three-letter. coms, excluding two sales of $345,000 and $200,000, which would increase the average to $54,000. Most people looking to invest in domain names will not be stumped when looking to purchase LLLL.coms.


The important thing to remember is that since the overhead is extremely low and the market for LLLL.coms is fairly new, the potential for profit is tremendously high. In the same time period that saw an average sale price of $556 for LLLL.coms containing at least 1 vowel, there have been 27 that sold for over $2,000, including 7 that sold for over $4,000, and 2 that sold for over $18,000. No other investment can have a return on investment of that magnitude. Important note: these sales are all public and as most domainers know, private sales generally tend to be higher but are not recorded in public databases.


There are certain patterns that are considered special, rare, and more valuable than others. Let’s break them down.


  • com (Consonant- Vowel- Consonant- Vowel)
  • com (Vowel- Consonant- Vowel- Consonant)
  • com (Letter 1- Letter 2- Letter 2- Letter 2)
  • com (Letter 1- Letter 1- Letter 1- Letter 2)
  • com (Letter 1- Letter 1- Letter 2- Letter 2)
  • com (Letter 1- Letter 2- Letter 1- Letter 2)
  • com (Letter 1- Letter 2- Letter 2- Letter 1)
  • com (Letter 1- Letter 2- Letter 1- Letter 1)
  • com (Letter 1- Letter 1- Letter 2- Letter 1)


Here are some recent sales from the last six months that show the potential upside for your investments containing at least 1 vowel: – $100,000 – 6/8/2016 – $93,000 – 8/9/2016 – $80,000 – 5/17/2016 – $50,000 – 8/13/2016 – $50,000 – 4/29/2016 – $48,000 – 7/20/2016 – $45,000 – 5/27/2016 – $28,200 – 6/9/2016 – $27,161 – 9/24/2016 – $22,500 – 5/10/2016 – $20,000 – 5/27/2016 – $18,472 – 10/6/2016 – $18,000 – 5/9/2016


Unlike Chinese-premium LLLL.coms that gained terrific value in what almost seemed like overnight, single, double, and triple-premiums are slowly gaining traction and there is definite opportunity in this niche. They are undervalued and on the rise.


We hope this has shed some light on the niche market of LLLL.coms and we hope it can benefit you in lucrative ways with your future four-letter .com endeavors.


Happy end user sales!


Oliver Hoger

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “The Best Bang For Your Buck in the Domain Industry: Containing Vowels by Oliver Holger”

  1. Lots of “v’s” and vowels in that sold list. Been grabbing them for a while. I like it when they sound like something.

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