Domain Spotlight:

THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Wednesday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on July 9th

There was some great fun yesterday with TheDomains article about the Castello’s billion dollar portfolio sale.  I respect the Castello brothers for everything they’ve accomplished and for being two of the nicest guys in the industry.  If you are ever in town, they will be the first to drop what they’re doing and meet you for dinner or a drink.  Truly nice people.  We all know that the portfolio will not sell for a billion dollars.  Domains are the building block of a business not the business itself.  It USED to have the ability to be a business when parking and type ins drove traffic and cash.  Those days are over.  Domains are a different business. Their domains have tremendous value to someone that plans to turn them into a business.  But unto themselves they are most likely worth tens of millions.  But why not put a billion dollar price on them?  They can start the negotiation wherever they want and a billion dollars is as good of a number as any. Here are today’s names AND……We will be having a BOOK of 10 this week. Special 2 for $20 Each.  Get you name in front of 18,000 potential buyers. ONLY 4 SPOTS LEFT.  18 years old.  I know there are new bagless vacuums but I also know millions (if not billions) of people still buy bags  If I owned I would want to own this   Good for iPhone games and getting out of Chinese finger traps.  Actually quite a few bidders  These names must not have much value.  No bidders.  Huntsville is not a small city either  A lot of Google results but only one bidder   I think we have the best cat fighting in the world after Canada.  No value, just love cat fighting  Only three bidders.  Might get it cheap  This one has 2  Aren’t seeing nearly as many NNNN.coms up at auction.  Because people are paying big bucks privately  Not in the top 10% of CVCV but still very nice  You are one “I” away from being made fun of  Might be the most valuable name on the board.  Every gadget and car we own will soon need recharging  At auction with a reserve just over $100

NEW Sunday!!!! Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day.. $1.99 Registration and Transfer gofh14in10  Already a few sites of the same name.  This one gets 700 visits a month already, thus the price  People still do typos? GD says it gets thousands of visits a month  People really need help with this since no companies seem to have a retirement plan anymore  I keep putting these up because they keep selling  One more  Not a lot of NNN.nets come up and this is a good one   If you don’t have an account at you’ll need to set one up to bid on these great numerics  I expect this one to do the best of the group


Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct.

Domain Spotlight: